Data Center Processes

Continentalclusters provides the cmrecovercl command that fails over all applications on the primary cluster in a recovery pair that are protected by Continentalclusters. However, application failover also requires well-defined processes for the two sites of a recovery pair. These processes and procedures should be written down and made available at both sites.

Some considerations for site management are as follows:

Who notifies whom for the various events: configuration changes, alerts, alarms?

What communication methods should be used? Email? Phone? Beeper? Multiple methods?

Who has the authority to perform what sort of configuration modifications? Can the administrator at one site log in to the nodes on the remote site? If so, what permissions would be set?

How often is a practice failover done?

Is there a documented test plan?

What is the process for tracking changes made to the primary cluster?

Continentalclusters Worksheets

Planning is an essential effort in creating a robust Continentalclusters environment. It is recommended to record the details of your configuration on planning worksheets. These worksheets can be filled in partially before configuration begins, and then completed as you build the Continentalclusters. All the participating Serviceguard clusters in one Continentalclusters should have a copy of these worksheets to help coordinate initial configuration and subsequent changes. Complete the worksheets in the following sections for each recovery pair of clusters that will be monitored by the Continentalclusters monitor.

Data Center Worksheet

The following worksheet will help you describe your specific data center configuration. Fill out the worksheet and keep it for future reference.


Continentalclusters Name: _____________________________________

Continentalclusters State Dir: ________________________________


Primary Data Center Information:_________________________________

Primary Cluster Name: ________________________________________

Data Center Name and Location: _______________________________

Main Contact: _______________________________________________

Phone Number: ________________________________________________

Beeper: ______________________________________________________

Email Address: _______________________________________________

Node Names: __________________________________________________

Monitor Package Name: __ccmonpkg______________________________

Monitor Interval: _____________________________________________

Continentalclusters State Shared Disk: ________________________


Recovery Data Center Information:

Recovery Cluster Name: ______________________________________

Data Center Name and Location: ______________________________

Main Contact: _______________________________________________

Phone Number: _______________________________________________

Beeper: _____________________________________________________

Email Address: ______________________________________________

Node Names: _________________________________________________

Monitor Package Name: __ccmonpkg_____________________________

Monitor Interval: ___________________________________________

Continentalclusters State Shared Disk: ________________________

52 Designing Continentalclusters