with Continuous Access EVA is not installed on all the nodes, then the following error message is displayed:

The file <complete_path_to_module_file> does not exist or read/search permission not set for a component of the path:

No such file or directory /etc/cmcluster/modules/dts/mc.2:4: Could not

find include .......

When configuring modular packages using Continuous Access EVA, only the package configuration file needs to be edited. All parameters that were previously available in the Metrocluster environment file are now configured from the package configuration file. The Metrocluster environment file is automatically generated on all nodes when the package configuration is applied in the cluster.

CAUTION: Do not delete the Metrocluster environment file that is generated in the package directory. This file is crucial for the startup of the package in a Continentalclusters.

Complete the following steps to configure primary and recovery packages as modular packages using Continuous Access EVA with Continentalclusters A.08.00:

1.Run the following command to create a Continuous Access EVA modular package configuration file:

# cmmakepkg –m dts/cccaeva temp.config

2.Edit the following attributes in the temp.config file:


This is the package directory for the modular package. The Metrocluster environment file is generated for this package in this directory. This value must be unique for all packages.


Set the value of this parameter to no.

There are additional parameters available in the package configuration file. It is recommended that the default values of these variables are retained unless there is a specific business requirement to change them. For more information on the additional parameters, see Appendix B (page 487).

3.Halt the package.

#cmhaltpkg <package_name>

4.Validate the package configuration file.

#cmcheckconf -P temp.config

5.Apply the package configuration file.

#cmapplyconf -P temp.config

6.Run the package on a node in the Serviceguard cluster.

#cmrunpkg -n <node_name> <package_name>

7.Enable global switching for the package.

#cmmodpkg -e <package_name>

Once the package is created, if the value of any parameter needs to be changed, then edit this package configuration file and re-apply it.

Migrating legacy style primary and recovery packages to modular packages using Continuous Access EVA

Legacy packages can be migrated to modular packages using the procedure described in this section. However, the migration steps vary based on the HP Serviceguard version and the legacy package configuration. While completing the migration procedure, multiple package configuration

70 Designing Continentalclusters