


For 2-digit year input (yy) without the presence of the century ®eld, the following interpre-


tation is taken: [70-99, 00-69(1970-1999, 2000-2069)].

-r[rev ]

Retrieves the latest revision whose number is less than or equal to rev. If rev indicates a


branch rather than a revision, the latest revision on that branch is retrieved. rev is com-


posed of one or more numeric or symbolic ®elds separated by . . The numeric equivalent of


a symbolic ®eld is speci®ed with the ci -nand rcs -ncommands (see ci(1) and rcs(1)).


Retrieves the latest revision on the selected branch whose state is set to state.

-w[login ]

Retrieves the latest revision on the selected branch that was checked in by the user with


login name login. If the argument login is omitted, the caller's login is assumed.


Generates a new revision that is the result of the joining of the revisions on joinlist. join-


list is a comma-separated list of pairs of the form rev2:rev3, where rev2 and rev3 are (sym-


bolic or numeric) revision numbers. For the initial pair, rev1 denotes the revision selected


by the options -l, ...,-w. For all other pairs, rev1 denotes the revision generated by the


previous pair. (Thus, the output of one join becomes the input to the next.)


For each pair, co joins revisions rev1 and rev3 with respect to rev2. This means that all


changes that transform rev2 into rev1 are applied to a copy of rev3. This is particularly


useful if rev1 and rev3 are the ends of two branches that have rev2 as a common ancestor.


If rev1 < rev2 < rev3 on the same branch, joining generates a new revision that is similar


to rev3, but with all changes that lead from rev1 to rev2 undone. If changes from rev2 to


rev1 overlap with changes from rev2 to rev3, co prints a warning and includes the overlap-


ping sections, delimited as follows:












For the initial pair, rev2 can be omitted. The default is the common ancestor. If any of the


arguments indicate branches, the latest revisions on those branches are assumed. If the


-loption is present, the initial rev1 is locked.

Keyword Substitution

Strings of the form $keyword$ and $keyword:... $ embedded in the text are replaced with strings of the

form $keyword: value $, where keyword and value are pairs listed below. Keywords may be embedded in literal strings or comments to identify a revision.

Initially, the user enters strings of the form $keyword$. On check out, co replaces these strings with strings of the form $keyword: value $. If a revision containing strings of the latter form is checked back in, the value ®elds are replaced during the next checkout. Thus, the keyword values are automatically updated on checkout.

Keywords and their corresponding values:

$Author$ The login name of the user who checked in the revision.

$Date$ The date and time the revision was checked in.

$Header$ A standard header containing the RCS ®le name, the revision number, the date, the author, and the state.

$Locker$ The login name of the user who locked the revision (empty if not locked).

$Log$ The log message supplied during checkin, preceded by a header containing the RCS ®le name, the revision number, the author, and the date. Existing log messages are not replaced. Instead, the new log message is inserted after $Log:...$. This is useful for accumulating a complete change log in a source ®le.

$Revision$ The revision number assigned to the revision. $Source$ The full pathname of the RCS ®le.

$State$ The state assigned to the revision with rcs -sor ci -s.


HP-UX Release 11i: December 2000

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Section 199