

Move read messages to "received" folder? (y/n)

This question is asked if you are reading your incoming mailbox and if you have messages that have been read. The default answer is provided by the always- store boolean variable (ON means y (yes) and OFF means n (no)).

If you answer y, undeleted messages that have been read will be moved to the folder de®ned by the receivedmail string variable and the next question will also be asked.

If you answer n, all undeleted messages are returned to your incoming mailbox and the next question is not asked.

Keep unread messages in incoming mailbox? (y/n)

This question is asked if you are reading your incoming mailbox, if you answered y to the Move read messages... question (or it was not asked), and if you have messages that have not been read. The default answer is provided by the alwayskeep boolean variable (ON means y (yes) and OFF means n (no)).

If you answer y, all undeleted unread (new and old) messages are returned to your incoming mailbox.

If you answer n, all undeleted unread messages will be moved to the folder de®ned by the receivedmail string variable.

If the ask boolean variable is OFF, the answers to the questions (which are not displayed) are taken automatically from the values of the alwaysdelete , always- store, and alwayskeep boolean variables, respectively.

QQuick quit. This is equivalent to executing the q command with the ask boolean variable set to OFF.

rReply to the sender of the current message. If the autocopy boolean variable is OFF, you are asked if the source message should be copied into the edit buffer. If it is ON, the message is copied automatically. If copied in, all lines from the message are preceded by the pre®x string de®ned by the prefix string variable. The To: header is set to the sender of the message (or the address in the Reply-To:header, if one was set), the Subject: is set to the subject of the message, preceded by Re:, and presented for you to edit. If the askcc boolean variable is ON, you are prompted for Cc: recipients. Then, the editor de®ned by the editor string variable is invoked. After you exit from your editor, the Send Menu is displayed.

sSave in folder (same as >). Save the current message or the set of tagged messages to a folder. You are prompted for a ®le name with a default value. The default value is a ®le in the maildir directory with the login name of the sender of the ®rst message in the set being saved. Any tags are cleared and the messages are marked for dele- tion. The current message pointer is moved to the ®rst undeleted message after the last saved message.

tTag toggle. Tag the current message for a later operation and move the current mes- sage pointer to the next undeleted message. The operation can be one of , C, p, and s.

Or, remove the tag from a tagged message. See also the Ctrl-Tcommand.

TTag toggle. Tag the current message for a later operation and remain at the current message. The operation can be one of , C, p, and s.


Or, remove the tag from a tagged message. See also the Ctrl-Tcommand.


Tag all messages containing the speci®ed pattern. Or remove the tags from all tagged




If any messages are currently tagged, you are asked if the tags should be removed.


Answer y to remove the old tags; answer n to keep them. In either case, you are


prompted for a string to match in either the From: or Subject: line of each mes-


sage. All messages that match the criterion are tagged. If you enter a null string


(carriage-return alone), no more messages are tagged.


HP-UX Release 11i: December 2000

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Section 1211