


at, batch - execute batched commands immediately or at a later time


Enter commands from standard input to run at a speci®ed time: at [-m] [ -qqueue] -tspectime

commands eof

at [-m][-qqueue] time [date] [next timeunit +count timeunit] commands


Enter commands from a ®le to run at a speci®ed time: at -fjob-®le[-m][-qqueue] -tspectime

at -fjob-®le [-m][-qqueue] time [date] [next timeunit +count timeunit]

List scheduled jobs:

at -djob-id ...

at -l[job-id ...]

at -l -q queue

Cancel (remove) a scheduled job:

at -rjob-id ...

Enter commands from standard input to run as a batch process:


commands eof

Enter commands from a ®le to run as a batch process: batch < job-®le


The at and batch commands schedule jobs for execution by the cron daemon (see cron(1M)).

at schedules a job for execution at a speci®ed time. at can also list (-l) or remove (-r) existing scheduled at and batch jobs.

batch schedules a job for execution immediately, or as soon as system load levels permit.

You can enter commands into a job in one of the following ways:

From the keyboard on separate lines immediately after the at or batch command line, followed by the currently de®ned eof (end-of-®le) character to end the input. The default eof is Ctrl-D. It can be rede®ned in your environment (see stty(1)).

With the -foption of the at command to read input from a script ®le.

From output piped from a preceding command.

Options and Arguments

at recognizes the following options and arguments.



One or more HP-UX commands that can be executed as a shell script by at or






End-of-®le character.

The default is Ctrl-Dunless de®ned otherwise in your






The path name of an existing ®le.



The job identi®er reported by at or batch when the job was originally





-djob-id ...

Displays the contents of the speci®ed job. An unprivileged user is restricted to


display information only on jobs that the user owns. A user with the appropriate

HP-UX Release 11i: December 2000

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Section 127
