


interrogate operator, returns null) if there was no valid subscript for the previous item call. The name argument should not be quoted. Since exact table sizes are not de®ned, the interrogation operator should be used to detect end-of-table; for example:

table("t", 100)


#If word contains "party", the following expression adds one

#to the count of that word:



# To print out the the key/value pairs:

for i = 0, ?(s = item(t, i)), ++i if key() put = key()_":"_s

If the interrogation operator is not used, the result of item is null if there are no further elements in the table. Null is, however, a legal ``subscript''.

iskey(name, word)

iskey tests whether the key word exists in the table name and returns one for true, zero for false.

Odds and ends

eval(s) The string argument is evaluated as a bs expression. The function is handy for converting numeric strings to numeric internal form. eval can also be used as a crude form of indirection, as in:

name = "xyz" eval("++"_ name)

which increments the variable xyz. In addition, eval preceded by the interrogation operator permits the user to control bs error conditions. For example:

?eval("open(\"X\", \"XXX\", \"r\")")

returns the value zero if there is no ®le named XXX (instead of halting the user's program). The following executes a goto to the label L (if it exists):


if !(?eval("goto "_ label)) puterr = "no label"

plot(request, args)

If the tplot command is available, the plot function produces output on devices recognized by tplot. The requests are as follows:





plot(0, term)

causes further plot output to be piped into tplot



with an argument of -Tterm. term can be up to



40 characters in length.



``erases'' the plotter.


plot(2, string)

labels the current point with string.


plot(3, x1, y1, x2, y2)

draws the line between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).


plot(4, x, y, r)

draws a circle with center (x,y) and radius r.


plot(5, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)

draws an arc (counterclockwise) with center



(x1,y1) and endpoints (x2,y2) and (x3,y3).



is not implemented.


plot(7, x, y)

makes the current point (x,y).


plot(8, x, y)

draws a line from the current point to (x,y).


plot(9, x, y)

draws a point at (x,y).


plot(10, string)

sets the line mode to string.


plot(11, x1, y1, x2, y2)

makes (x1,y1) the lower left corner of the plot-



ting area and (x2,y2) the upper right corner of



the plotting area.

Section 154

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HP-UX Release 11i: December 2000