54 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
#2765 #2765 PCI Fibre Channel Tape Controller
The #2765 provides Fibre Channel attachment capability for external tape devices. The #2765 supports point-to-point and
arbitrated loop topologies and has an LC type cable connector. Each #2765 is shipped with a wrap connector (P/N
05N6767). The devices supported for Fibre Channel attachment are:
򐂰3534-1RU SAN Fibre Channel Managed Hub
򐂰3584-L32 or D32 Ultrascalable Tape Library
򐂰3590 ½-inch Cartridge Tape Subsystem Models E11 and E1A
The #0163 Fibre Channel Attach Specify is required for each device attaching to an iSeries server with a #2765.
The following adapter kits are required when connecting SC type cables to the #2765:
򐂰#0371 - LC-SC Adapter Kit (50 micron) is an optional kit used to attach SC-type fibre (50 micron) cables to a #2765.
The kit contains a 2 m LC-ST cable and ST-SC adapter for 50 micron fiber.
򐂰#0372 - LC-SC Adapter Kit (62.5 micron) is an optional kit used to attach SC-type fibre (62.5 micron) cables to a
#2765. The kit contains a 2 m LC-ST cable and ST- SC adapter for 62.5 micron fiber.
An optics cleaning kit (P/N 46G6844) and instruction sheet instruction sheet (P/N 21P6238, form number SY27-2604) is
supplied, one per system with the #2765/#2766 order.
A maximum of one tape unit can be connected per #2765. Clients must supply all Fibre Channel cables for this controller.
The #2765 does not support the Alternate IPL device function. A D-mode IPL is required using CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, or
another alternate IPL tape device. Then select a #2765 to complete the installation or recovery process.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1
The #2765 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #2765 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 October 2004. The recommended replacement is the #5704 PCI-X Fibre
Channel Tape Controller.
#2768 #2768 PCI Magnetic Media Controller
The #2768 provides Ultra SCSI attachment capability for an external tape, an external CD-ROM device, or an external
DVD-RAM device that has a Single Ended SCSI interface. The #2768 supports the following devices:
򐂰7207-122 QIC-SLR Tape Bridge Box (4 GB External ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Drive)
򐂰7208-345 60 GB External 8mm Tape Drive
򐂰7210-020 External CD-ROM
򐂰7210-025 External DVD-RAM
򐂰7329-308 SLR100 ¼-inch Tape Autoloader
See 9.5.4, “#5712, #5715, #5702, #5705, #2718, and #2768 PCI Magnetic Media Controller: Device cabling rules” on
page370, for information about connecting devices to the #2768.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R5
The #2768 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #2768 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 October 2004. The recommended replacement is the #5702 PCI-X Ultra
Tape Controller.