(15)-1 Available alarms As shown in the table below, there are three types of plotter-related alarms.
The alarm zone can be set to a maximum of 9.99 NM (or 9.99 km or 9.99 Ml)
around the ship position in increments of 0.01 NM (or 0.01 km or 0.01 Ml).
The alarm zone are displayed in the unit specified on the Unit setting screen (☞
Alarm zone
Alarm zone
Alarm zone
Current ship position
or turning point
Current ship position
or turning point
Previous turning point
Turning point or destination
Turning point or destination
Current ship position or turning point Turning point or destination
|Out-of-destination alarm
|Arrival alarm
|Out-of-course alarm
After the ship arrived at the destination, an alarm
zone is established between the current destination
and the next turning point or the next destination.
When the ship enters the alarm zone around
the destination, an arrival alarm is displayed and
beeps are produced.
When the ship leaves the alarm zone around
the destination, a range alarm is displayed and
beeps are produced.
When the ship deviates from the alarm zone
during navigation, a range alarm is displayed
and beeps are produced.
When the ship enters the alarm zone around
the destination, an arrival alarm is displayed and
beeps are produced.
Alarm type
Arrival alarm
Out-of-destination alarm
Out-of-course alarm
When the ship enters the alarm zone around the
destination, beeps are produced and an ARRV
alarm is displayed on the screen.
When the ship leaves the alarm zone around the
destination, beeps are produced and a ZONE
alarm is displayed on the screen.
When the ship deviates from the alarm zone during
navigation, beeps are produced and a ZONE alarm
is displayed on the screen. When the ship returns
within the alarm zone, beeps stop. When the ship
deviates from the alarm zone again, beeps are