When the transceiver is connected to a PC with the
USB cable, the following operations can be performed;
• Remote control operation (CI-V: Icom Communica-
tion Interface-V) by the PC.
• Modulation input from the PC.
• Received audio output to the PC.
Transceiver PC
USB cable
(third party)
PC software (third party) may be required. (p. 18)
• The CT-17 ci-v level converter is required for re-
mote control operation (CI-V) when the USB cable
is not used. See p. 88 in the IC-7200 instruction
manual for details.
• The t ransceive r conn ection may not be r ecog-
nized by the PC because of the USB cable length.
Using the shorter USB cable as possible is rec-
System requirements
The PC which supports the following OS (Operating
System) is required;
Microsoft® Windows Vista™
Microsoft® Windows® XP
Microsoft® Windows® 2000
• The USB driver is not supported for Microsoft
XP (64 bit).
• Icom is not responsible for whole performance of
the PC that supports above OS.
• In this installation guide, the above OS are de-
scribed as “Windows Vista,” “Windows XP” and
“Windows 2000.”
Item requirements
• USB cable (A-B type/third party)
A type
B type
• PC (with USB 1.1 or 2.0)
• Installed audio player
• PC software (third party)
- See p. 18 for details.
INSTALLATION GUIDEThank you for using the Icom Download Service.
Please read this installation guide before installing the USB driver into your PC that is connected to the IC-7200
with the USB (Universal Serial Bus) cable (third party).
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Microsoft, Windows and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks
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