NS-13T001 Insignia Flex™ Android Tablet
• To close a browser window, touch the
× (close) icon.
• To search, touch the (search) icon or the (Google) icon,
then use the on-screen keyboard to type your search information.
• You can search from the Applications screen by selecting Search.
• You can use the speech-to-text feature to search information using
voice input by touching the (voice search) icon.
Searching for text on a Web pageTo search for text on a Web page:
1With the Web page open, touch the (options) icon at the top right o f
the screen, then touch Find on page.
2Use the on-screen keyboard to enter the search text. As you enter
characters, matching characters on the Web page are highlighted in
green. Touch the up or down arrow to go to the previous or next
matching item.
3Touch DONE to close the search bar at any time.
Copying text on a Web pageTo cop y t ext on a We b pa ge :
1Open the Web page where you want to copy text.
2Zoom out on the Web page.
3Touch and hold the text that you want to copy until a blue ribbon
covers the text.
4To select additional text to the left or right of the highlighted text, drag
the left or right “ribbon handles.”
5Release your finger from the text, then touch Copy on the top of the
6To paste text into an e-mail or SMS/MMS message, tou ch and hold the
area you want to paste the text, then touch Paste.
NS-13T001_13-0918_MAN_V3_ENG.fm Page 63 Tuesday, October 22, 2013 10:33 AM