Insignia 55" LED-LCD HDTV, 120 HZ 1080p
TV/DVD combination controlled by the DVD
TV/DVD combination controlled by the TV
Sylvania 10047, 10054, 10154, 10000, 10051, 10178,
10030, 10171, 10092, 10056, 11271, 11314,
11394, 11864, 11963
Symphonic 10000, 10180, 10178, 10171
Syntax 11144, 11240, 11331, 11610
Tandy 10093
Tatung 10000, 10051, 11756, 11286
Teac 10154, 10706, 10689
Technics 10054, 10250, 10051
Technovox 10030
Techview 10847, 12004
Techwood 10250, 10051, 10060, 10056
Teco 11040
Teknika 10054, 10463, 10180, 10150, 10060, 10178,
10092, 10056
Telecolor 10017
Telefunken 10702, 10056
Thomas 10047, 10178, 10056
Thomson 11447, 10047
TMK 10236, 10180, 10178, 10056, 10177
TNCi 10017
Tocom 10156
Toshiba 10154, 11256, 10156, 10150, 11265, 10060,
11145, 10145, 10166, 12006, 11935, 11704,
11656, 11635, 11524, 11356, 11164, 11156,
10845, 10832, 10822, 10650
Totevision 10051
Toyomenka 10178
Truetone 10250, 10051
TruTech 11723
TVS 10463
Ultra 10092
Universal 10047
Universum 10177
US Logic 11286
V 11756, 10864, 10885, 11755
Vector Research 10030
Victor 10053
Vidikron 10054, 11292, 11398, 11629
Vidtech 10178
Viewsonic 10857, 10864, 10885, 11330, 11578, 11627,
11640, 11755, 12014
Viking 10060
Viore 11684
Vizio 11756, 11758, 10864, 10885, 11755
Wards 10047, 10054, 10017, 10154, 10000, 10051,
10093, 10236, 10178, 10030, 10166, 10056,
10866, 11156
Waycon 10156
Welton 10178
Westinghouse 10000, 10451, 10885, 10889, 10890, 11282,
11577, 11712
White Westinghouse 10451, 10236, 10463, 10623, 10889
World 10451, 10236, 10463, 10180
Wyse 11365
XR-1000 10154, 10180, 10171
Yamaha 10030, 10769, 10833, 10839, 11526
Yorx 10030
Zenith 10047, 10017, 10000, 10093, 10463, 11265,
10812, 10178, 10030, 11145, 10145, 10171,
TV/DVD combination controlled by the DVD
Advent 21016
Akai 20695
Apex Digital 20830
Audiovox 21071, 21121, 21122
Axion 21071
Broksonic 20695
Citizen 20695
Emerson 20675, 21268
ESA 21268
Funai 21268
Go Vision 21071
Hitachi 21247
Insignia 21268
Jensen 21016
Magnavox 21268
Panasonic 21490
Philips 20854, 21260
Prima 21016
RCA 21022
Samsung 20899
Sansui 20695
Sova 21122
Sylvania 20675, 21268
Toshiba 20695
TV/DVD combination controlled by the TV
Accurian 11803
Akai 11675, 11935
Audiovox 11937, 11951, 11952
Axion 11937
Broksonic 11935
Citizen 11935
Dynex 11810
Emerson 11394, 11963
ESA 11963
Funai 11963
iLo 11990
Initial 11990
Insignia 11963, 12002
LG 11993
Magnavox 11866, 11963, 11990
Maxent 11714
Mintek 11990
Panasonic 11941
Polaroid 11523, 11766, 12002
RCA 11958, 12002
Sansui 11935
Sova 11952
Sylvania 11394, 11864, 11963
Techview 12004
Toshiba 11524, 11635, 11935, 12006