Insignia NS-H3005 Home Theater System

Handling discs

Do not touch the playback side of the disc.

Hold the disc by the edges so that fingerprints will not get on the surface.

Do not stick paper or tape on the disc.

Storing discs

After playing, store the disc in its case.

Do not expose the disc to direct sunlight or sources of heat, or leave it in a parked car exposed to direct sunlight, because it may get very hot inside the car.

Cleaning discs

Fingerprints and dust on the disc can cause poor picture quality and sound distortion. Before playing, clean the disc with a clean cloth. Wipe the disc from the center outward.

Do not use strong solvents such as alcohol, benzine, thinner, commercially available cleaners, or anti-static spray intended for older vinyl records.


Check the following guide for the possible cause of a problem before contacting service.







No power

The power cord is

Securely plug the



power cord into the



wall outlet.




The power is on,

No disc or tape is

Insert a disc or tape.

but the home


Make sure that the disc

theater system


or tape indicator on the

does not work.


display window is lit.




No picture

The television is not

Select the appropriate


set up to receive

video input mode on


home theater system

the television so the


signal output

picture from the player



appears on the



television screen.





TV/VCR mode for

Press the TV/VCR


home theater system

button on the remote


is set to TV.

control repeatedly to



choose VCR mode.



The TV indicator



disappears from the



display window.





The video cable is not

Connect the video


connected securely.

cable securely.





The connected

Turn on the television.


television is turned








No sound.

The Digital Audio

Set the Digital Audio


Output is set to the

Output to the correct


wrong position.

position, then turn on



the home theater



system again by



pressing POWER.







The playback

The disc is dirty.

Clean the disc.

picture is poor.



Video heads are dirty.

Clean video heads.






Tape is a rental or was

Press / for


recorded on

manual tracking


another VCR.

adjustment while tape



is playing.

The home theater

No disc or tape is

Insert a disc or tape.

system does not


(Check that the disc or

start playback.


tape indicator in the



display window is lit.)





An unplayable disc is

Insert a playable disc.



(Check the disc type,



color system, and



Regional code.)





The disc is placed

Place the disc with the


upside down.

label side up.





The disc is not placed

Place the disc on the


within the guide.

disc tray correctly



inside the guide.





The disc is dirty.

Clean the disc.




The remote

The remote control is

Point the remote

control does not

not pointed at the

control at the remote

work properly.

remote sensor of the

sensor of the home


home theater system.

theater system.





The remote control is

Operate the remote


too far from the home

control within 23 ft


theater system.

(7 m) of the home



theater system.





There is an obstacle

Remove the obstacle.


in the path of the



remote control and



the home theater









The batteries in the

Replace the batteries


remote control are

with new ones.








This remote control

When using a VCR


uses the same

tape, first press the


buttons for VCR and

VCR button. When


DVD functions (ex.

using a DVD, first



press the DVD button.




Some channels

Those channels were

Press CH. ADD/DEL.

are skipped over

deleted with the CH.

to restore channels.

when using

ADD/DEL option.

See “Channel



Selection” on page 12.




Picture and

Antenna or cables are

Tighten connections or

sound of


replace cable.







option is being used.

options. See “Channel

are weak or


Selection” on page 12.








Camcorder image

Home theater system

Press INPUT to select

via A/V input to


LINE input source

home theater

not set to LINE1 or

(LINE1 or LINE2).

system is not



shown on



television screen.






Timer recording

Clock in home theater

Set clock to correct

is not possible.

system is not set to

time. See “Setting the


correct time.

clock” on page 13.





Timer has been

Reprogram Timer. See



“Timer Recording” on



page 20.





indicator does not

Reprogram the timer.


appear after



programming timer.