KEY Advantages:

• System design flexibility. 1U capable system board connects to the I/O expansion slot on
Intel’s rack optimized server bo ards. This module can be used in Intel and 3rd party chassis
without the need for a riser card o r low profile chassis cutout.
• Exceptional data protection. Supports data r edundancy usin g SAS or SATA hard disk
drives through mirroring, parity, and double parity (RAID levels 1 and 5) plus st riping
capability for spans (RA ID levels 10 and 50).
• Excellent performance without hindering system resources. LSI SAS2008 I/O controller,
host allows f or built-in hardwa re RAID 0, 1 and 10 ; plus, firmware- based RAID 5 and 50
(RAID 5 and 50 utilize system reso urces to a limited extent).
Enhanced entry- level availability. T he Intel RMS2AF080 de sign utilizes LSI MegaR AID*
Entry technology w hich offers simplifie d configuration options , the same robustn ess, and
many of the same features as trusted L SI MegaRAID technology.
Seamless m igration to mor e fully featur ed RAID. The Intel RMS2MH 080 shares com-
mon drivers with Intel’s enterpr ise-class RAID product s.

Product Overview:

The Intel® RMS2AF080, one
of Intel’s new entry-level
6Gb/s SAS I/O modules,
incorporates LSI’s MegaR AID*
Entry technology to offer
exceptional data protec tion
and cong uration exib ility.
Designed fo r a wide sel ection
of Intel server boards, th is
SAS/SATA R AID module offers features including LSI’s 2008 6Gb/s I/O Controll er ( IOC)
and a native PC I Express* 2.0 archite cture help to deliver essential per formance for 3Gb/s
and 6Gb /s drive-b ased solu tions. The Intel RMS2AF080 allows businesses using entry-
level servers and workstations to employ robust R AID funct ionality at lower prices than
enterprise-class RAID ad apters.
The Intel® RMS2AF080 communicates with the host system through a custom board-to-
board PCI e 2.0 interface to allow for m inimizing the RAID hardware footprint. With the
popularity of rack-dense 1U and 2U servers increasing, this design allows sys tem builders to
easily implement a robust RAID solution without sacricing a valuable riser-card slot or using
a chassis with low-prole add-in c ard cut-outs.
All Intel RAID solutions are validated across multiple platforms with Intel® boards, chassis, and
systems. Custom training, as well as Intel® service and support, make Intel the one source for
customers seeking data protec tion, increased productivit y, and simplied IT.
Intel® Integrated RAID Mo dule RMS2AF080
Intel® Integrated RAID Module RMS2AF080

Seamless Entry-Level SAS-2 RAID for Intel® Ser ver Boards and Systems

Why Consider More?

Install a mainstream RAID cont roller* for:
• Superior performance wi th LSI2108 RAID On Chip Processor
• 512MB embedded cache with optional battery ba ckup
• Additional RAID level 6 and span 6 0
• Compatibility with Intel RA ID Premium Features
*For example, Intel® RAID C ontroller RS2B L080