mP4G/mP4GL Motherboard

Power Button

Function: Turns the system On and Off.

Use: This button is configured by the CMOS Setup Utility by the “Soft-Off Mode by PWR-BTTN” line in the Power Management section. Depending on the setting, the power button will function in one of two modes, instant on/off or instant on/4 second delay off. In the delay mode, when you push the power button for less than 4 seconds when the system is turned, the system goes into the Suspend power conservation mode. In this mode, you have to push the button for more than 4 seconds to turn the system power off.

Reset Switch

Function: Restarts the system to cold boot.

Use: Press the button to restart the system. This forces a restart under all conditions. Don’t use the Reset button if you can shut the system down from within the Operating System.

Note On Reset & Rebooting:

You should always restart or shut down the system by using the OS command for this. This procedure allows the OS to shut down properly, minimizing the possibility of hard disk drive problems or data loss. If the system crashes or “hangs”, you may have to restart the system at the hardware level. There are two hardware reboot options, a keyboard command and the Reset button.

You can effect a “warm” reboot with a key command if the OS supports it. For example, all versions of Microsoft Windows support restarting the computer with the Ctrl- Alt-Del (Delete) command. You can try this command first if it is supported. Otherwise, you will need to use the Reset button.

Suspend Button

Function: Toggles system in and out of Suspend mode.

Use: Press the button to cause the system to enter or resume from Suspend mode.

Note: The front panel feature connector supports a system Suspend button (the ACPI connector) but not all system housings have this button. The same function can be performed at the Operating System level if the OS supports the feature.


User’s Manual