H.264 Profiles
High profiles can maintain high image quality with a low bit rate, but as the decoder needs to support high profiles, the processing load on the decoder becomes heavier.
Compared to high profiles, baseline profile offers lower compression performance, but the processing load on the decoder will be reduced. Selecting high profiles is recommended if the decoder has sufficient processing ability.
The camera supports both the H.264 Baseline Profile and H.264 High Profile standards.
PTZ (Pan, Tilt, Zoom)
This camera has a digital PTZ function. While monitoring, the function can cut out an arbitrary area, move within the range of shooting and enlarge the image as if you were operating a PTZ camera.
Operating protocol
This device conforms with PSIA (Physical Security Interoperability Alliance) specifications. PSIA is an organization whose aim is to promote the interoperability of
Initial user name and password are set as follows:
User name: psia
Password: jvc
The RTSP of this device complies with RFC2326. You can set up to 3 encoders. The RTSP URL for each encoder is as follows:
Encoder No.1 rtsp:// Encoder No.2 rtsp:// Encoder No.3 rtsp://
This camera supports ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum). ONVIF is a forum that is standardizing surveillance device network protocols.
Protocols for discovery of surveillance devices, acquisition and modification of surveillance device settings, and audio/video data transfer are standardized under ONVIF.
The initial user name and password are set as follows:
User name: admin
Password: jvc
This camera fulfills the ONVIF test specification version 1.02.