Kenwood Media Application

Application section







Editing of music information

The music information (Title, Artist, Album) of audio data can be edited as desired.


Connect the PC to the player and launch Kenwood Media Application.

To edit the music information of audio data in the Player, connect the PC to the player.


[Connection of the PC and player] 5


[Launching method] #






Click on [PC] or [PD] tab and, in the tree list, select the folder or library containing the audio data

to be subjected to the music information editing.






In the file list, select the audio data to be edited, open [Tool] menu and click on [Edit audio file].

The [Edit audio file] dialog box opens.

Click on this area to view the list of pre-registered genres. Select a genre as desired.

When the music information is edited, the library will be updated automatically. If the folder contains only one item of audio data, the [Previous] and [Next] are not displayed.


Edit the music information and click on [OK].

Editable music information:


[Track number]

Track number.



Music title.



Album name.



Artist name.



Genre, which can be selected from the pull-down menu.


Jacket picture

[Setting the jacket picture] £



[Setting a jacket picture for an album] ¢