Function of KDC-BT60U

KDC-6047U with KCA-BT200 (Optional Accessory)

SMS (Short Message Service)

Downloading the SMS

Download the short message (SMS) arrived at the cell-phone so that it can be read on this unit.

1Enter Bluetooth mode


Press the [

] button.


Press the [TI] button for at least 1 second. You can also select from “Settings” in Menu List


2Enter SMS download mode

Turn the [VOL] knob and press it when the

desired item is displayed.

Select “BT Settings” > “SMS Download”.

3Start downloading Press the [VOL] knob.

“SMS Downloading” is displayed.

When the downloading finishes, “Completed” is displayed.

4Exit BT Settings mode


Press the [] button.


Press the [TI] button for at least 1 second.

The cell-phone must be able to transmit the SMS using Bluetooth. Setting on the cell-phone may be required. If the cell-phone does not support SMS function, the SMS download item in Function Control mode is not displayed.

When the SMS is downloaded from the cell-phone, the unopened messages in the cell-phone are opened.

The already-read and unread short messages can be respectively downloaded up to 75.

SMS (Short Message Service)

The SMS arrived at the cell-phone is displayed on the receiver.

A newly arrived message is displayed.


To prevent car accidents, the driver should not read the SMS while driving.

When a new message arrives “SMS Received” is displayed.

The display disappears with any operations.

Displaying the SMS

1Enter Bluetooth mode


Press the [

] button.


Press the [TI] button for at least 1 second. You can also select from “Settings” in Menu List


2Enter SMS Inbox mode

Turn the [VOL] knob and press it when the

desired item is displayed.

Select “BT Settings” > “SMS Inbox”. A message list appears.

3Select a message Turn the [VOL] knob.

Each pressing of the [DISP] button switches between telephone number or name and message reception date.

4Display the text Press the [VOL] knob.

Turning the [VOL] knob scrolls the message. Pressing the [VOL] knob again returns to the message list screen.

5Exit SMS Inbox mode Press the [MENU] button.

6Exit BT Settings mode


Press the [] button.


Press the [TI] button for at least 1 second.

The unopened message is displayed at the beginning of the list. Other messages are displayed in the order of reception.

The SMS that has arrived when the cell-phone is not linked with Bluetooth cannot be displayed. Download the SMS.

52KDC-BT60U/ KDC-6047U