Thank your for purchasing our Cordless VoIP Phone!
Please follow these steps to begin using your phone:
Step 1
Install Skype on your PC or Mac.
(Available via free download at www.skype.com)
Step 2
Use the enclosed CD to install our VoIP phone drivers on your computer.
Mac Users:
Please double click the Install Driver for MAC.dmg file to mount the installer’s disk image. This will cre-
ate a drive icon on your desktop called WirelessUSBPhone Driver OSX 1.1.3. Open this icon and dou-
ble click the WirelessUSBPhone Driver Install.pkg icon. When the installer is finished, drag the Wire-
lesUSBPhone Driver OSX 1.1.3 icon to trash and eject the Keyspan CD.
Step 3
Plug the USB receiver into a USB port on your computer.
Step 4
Insert the batteries in the phone.
Step 5
Pair the phone with the USB receiver. (Press button on the receiver, then hold the phone near the re-
ceiver until the LED on the receiver blinks.)
Step 6
Select a ring tone within the Skype software.
Need more information? The User Manual provided on the included CD discusses each of these steps
in more detail.