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Filters and their use

In TTL systems, the exposure meter automatically takes into account the light absorbed by the filter in use, but sensitivity in various parts of the spectrum may vary according to the type of film emulsion used. Extreme and dense filters may therefore cause deviant readings. For example, an orange filter as a rule needs about one extra f-stop and a red filter an average of about two stops more than the exposure meter reading obtained. However, the red sensitivity of black-and-white film can vary widely, and no generally applicable values can be given.

In the case of the circular polarizing filter we supply for LEICA lenses, determine the exposure as you would do with any other filter, in either integral or selective mode. The high-efficiency multiple coating on the semi-transparent swing mirror of the LEICA R7 acts as a powerful polarizing surface. As a result, the use of linear polarizing filters is not advisable, because their positioning to inhibit and transmit light may seriously affect the accuracy of the exposure meter.

Using existing lenses and accessories

The entire range of LEICA R-System Lenses and accessories can be used without modification on the LEICA R7.

The ELMARIT-R f/2.8/180 mm (to serial no 2939700) and TELYT-R f/4/250mm lenses (to serial no 3050 600) as well as some accessories can only be used with aperture priority and manual mode.