User interface operation 47
24-Bit Color
A 24-bit color image consists of three 8-bit color channels. The red, green,
and blue channels are mixed together to create a combination of one billion
colors, which give a more true-to-life quality to the image. Choose “24-Bit
Color” for scanning color photos.
24-Bit Color Image
Selecting the proper resolution
Good control of the resolution results in satisfactory details in the scanned
image. The resolution is measured in dots per inch (dpi). Typically, the greater
the dpi, the higher the resolution and image file size.
Be aware that a greater resolution requires more time, memory, and disk
space. Note that above a certain dpi, the resolution does not visually improve
the image, but only makes your file larger.
" For your information, an A4-sized color image scanned at 300 dpi in
True Color mode consumes approximately 25 MB of disk space. A
higher resolution (over 600 dpi) is recommended only when you need
to scan a small area in True Color mode.
Resolution: 50 dpi Resolution: 100 dpi