Attendance Messages
Insert Tray1 This message displayswhen the printer needs to select print mater ialfrom Tray 1
(250-sheetinput tray). The printer is requesting the 250-sheet input tray be inserted so
itcan continuepr inting. This mayhappen if you remove the 250-sheet input tray to fill
itwith pr int material while a job is printing.
Note: Thismessage o nly displaysfor Tray 1 if the optional 500-sheet drawer is
installed.If the optional 500-sheet drawer is not installed and Tray 1 is removed from
thep rinter after a job is sent to print, a Load <input source> message displays
instead.See Load <inputsource> on page 170 for more information.
Toavoid this message, press Stop, wait forthe job tostop printing, and then remove
the2 50-sheet input trayto fill it.
Whenthis message occurs:
Insert Tray1 to clear the message and continue printing the job.
Cancel the current job.Press Menu> or <Menu.TheJOBMENU displays.Press
Menu>or <Menu until Cancel Job appears on the second line of the operator panel
display.Press Select.
Resetthe pr inter.Press Menu> or <Menu.TheJOBMENU displays. Press Menu>
or <Menuuntil Reset Printer appearson the second line of the operator panel
display.Press Select.
Note: Resetting the printer deletes all current data from the print buffer,including all
Print and Hold jobs. See ResetPrinter onpage 70 for more information.
InstallTray 2
orCancel Job Thepr inter has lost communication with the optional 500-sheet drawersupport unit.
Thes upport unit is not properly attached to the printer when you havesent a job to
Whenthis messageoccurs:
Reattachthe pr inter to the optional 500-sheet drawersuppor t unit to clearthe
message and continuepr inting the job.
1Liftthe printer by the handholds or ask someone to help you lift the printer. Make
sure yourfingers are not under the printer whenyou set it down.
2Placethe pr inter on top of the support unit. Make sure the edges of the printer
and the support unit are aligned properly.
Cancel the current job.Press Menu> or <Menu.TheJOBMENU displays.Press
Menu>or <Menu until Cancel Job appears on the second line of the operator panel
display.Press Select.
Resetthe pr inter.Press Menu> or <Menu.TheJOBMENU displays. Press Menu>
or <Menuuntil Reset Printer appearson the second line of the operator panel
display.Press Select.
Note: Resetting the printer deletes all current data from the print buffer,including all
Print and Hold jobs. See ResetPrinter onpage 70 for more information.
Attendance Message Meaningand Required Action