2200.. AAbbnnoorrmmaall SSttaattee ((CCoommmmaanndd22::zz))
To recognize an abnormal state.
Data FF: Read
Data 0: Normal (Power on and signal exist)
Data 1: No signal (Power on)
Data 2: Turn the TV off by remote control
Data 3: Turn the TV off by sleep time function
Data 4: Turn the TV off by RS-232C function
Data 5: 5V down
Data 6: AC down
Data 7: Turn the TV off by Fan Alarm function (option)
Data 8: Turn the TV off by Off time function
Data 9: Turn the TV off by Auto sleep function
Data a: Turn the TV off by AV board detect
* This function is “read only”.
Transmission[k][z][ ][Set ID][ ][FF][ ][Cr]
Acknowledgement[z][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]
2211.. IISSMM MMeetthhoodd ((CCoommmmaanndd11::jj,, CCoommmmaanndd22::pp))
To control the ISM method. You can also adjust ISM
Method in SPECIAL menu.
This feature is not available for all models.
Data 0: Normal Mode Data 1: White Wash
Data2: Orbiter Data3: Inversion
Transmission[j][p][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Acknowledgement[p][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]
2222.. LLooww PPoowweerr ((CCoommmmaanndd11::jj,, CCoommmmaanndd22::qq))
To reduce the power consumption of the monitor.
You can also adjust Low Power in SPECIAL menu.
This feature is not available for all models.
Data 0: Off Data 1: On
Transmission[j][q][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][ ][Cr]
Acknowledgement[q][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]
2233.. OOrrbbiitteerr TTiimmee SSeettttiinngg ((CCoommmmaanndd11::jj,, CCoommmmaanndd22::rr))
To adjust orbiter operation time term.
This feature is not available for all models.
Data Min: 1 ~Max: FE
Refer to ‘Real data mapping 1’. See page 74
Transmission[j][r][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][ ][Cr]
Acknowledgement[r][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]
2244 .. OOrrbbiitteerr PPiixxeell SSeettttiinngg ((CCoommmmaanndd11::jj,, CCoommmmaanndd22::ss))
To adjust pixel number in orbiter function.
This feature is not available for all models.
Data Min: 1 ~Max: 3
Refer to ‘Real data mapping 1’. See page 74
Transmission[j][s][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Acknowledgement[s][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]
2255 .. AAuuttoo CCoonnffiigguurree ((CCoommmmaanndd11::jj,, CCoommmmaanndd22::uu))
To adjust picture position and minimize image
shaking automatically. It works only in RGB (PC)
Data 1: To set
Transmission[j][u][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Acknowledgement[u][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data][x]
2266 .. CChhaannnneell SSeelleecctt CCoommmmaanndd ((CCoommmmaanndd11mm,, CCoommmmaanndd22::aa))
To select a programme for the main picture.
Data 0: Min: 0 ~Max: 63
Refer to ‘Real data mapping 1’. See page 74
Data 1: Don’t care
Data 2: 0 : Main
1 : Sub
Transmission[m][a][ ][Set ID][ ][Data0][ ][Data1]
[ ][Data2][Cr]
Acknowledgement[a][ ][Set ID][ ][OK][Data0][x]
** RReeaall ddaattaa mmaappppiinngg 11
0 : Step 0
A : Step 10 (Set ID 10)
F : Step 15 (Set ID 15)
10: Step 16 (Set ID 16)
64: Step 100
6E: Step 110
73: Step 115
74: Step 116
C7: Step 199
FE : Step 254
FF : Step 255
** RReeaall ddaattaa mmaappppiinngg 22
28 : 0
4E : +38
4F : +39
50 : +40
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