Reference: Downloading a Splash Screen using a USB Memory Device

This section describes how to download a splash screen image using the TV Manager / USB Download Menu “Logo Image Download” option, though you may also use the Ez Download utility to download the splash image, if desired. See “Ez Download Utility” on pages 18 to 20 for further information.

Splash Screen Image File Guidelines

The splash screen image must be a baseline (not progressive) JPEG.

The image should be no larger than 1 MB.

The maximum resolution allowed for a 22/28/32LY560M splash screen image is 1360 x 768 pixels (HD)

The maximum resolution allowed for a 42LY560M splash screen image is 1920 x 1080 pixels (FHD).

Avoid using special characters, such as ?, -, etc., in the splash screen image file name.

Before You Begin

The splash screen image file must be stored in a folder named “LG_DTV” in the root directory of the USB memory device.

Ensure the USB device has been formatted with FAT format.

Download the Splash Screen Image

1.Turn ON the TV, and then insert the USB memory device into the TV’s USB port.

2.Press MENU on the Installer Remote to display the TV setup menus (TV is in Pass-through Mode) or the Function Menu (TV is not in Pass-through Mode).

3.Use the arrow navigation keys to select/highlight either the Option menu icon from the TV setup menus or the Lock menu icon from the Function Menu. Then, press the number “7” key a total of seven times to display the TV Manager /USB Download Menu.

4.With the TV Manager / USB Download Menu on display, use the Up/Down arrow keys to select Logo Image Download, and then press OK.

5.In the Logo Image Download window, use the Up/Down arrow keys to select the image file to download, and then press OK.

The TV will show download completion progress in a new window. Do NOT remove the USB device until the image download is complete. When the image download is complete, the TV will briefly display a “Updating complete” window and then reset itself with an automatic restart. Upon the restart, you should see the new splash screen.

TV Manager


Ez Download


Logo Image Download



Upgrade TV Software


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Teach To TV (TLX)


Teach To TV (TLL)






Logo Image Download





