3D video is the technology of using the different view between the two eyes to make the screen on the TV to
look as a 3D space.
Viewing 3D Imaging
GGWhen viewing 3D video,watch the TV within effective viewing angle and distance.
- If you exceed the viewing angle or distance,you may not be able to view the 3D video.
GGIf you watch the 3D video too closely for a long period of time,it may hurt you eyesight.
GGWatching TV or game screen with the 3D video glasses for a long period of time can cause drowsiness or
fatigue to your eyes.
- If you feel headache,fatigue or drowsiness,stop watching TV and take a rest.
GGPregnant woman,senior,person with heart problem or frequent drowsiness should refrain from watching
3D video.
- Viewers can confuse 3D video as reality to be surprised or excited.
GGWhen watching 3D video,do not leave any fragile or dangerous objects nearby.
- You can confuse the 3D video as reality and suddenly move to cause an injury.
GGDo not use the 3D glasses to replace the general glasses,sunglasses or protective goggles.It can cause
an injury.
GGDo not store the 3D glasses in hot or cold location.It can be deformed.Do not use deformed glasses.
GGBecause the lens (Polarized film)of 3D glasses is sensitive to scratches,always use a soft and clean cloth
to wipe the product.
- Because any alien particle on the cloth can result in scratches,be cautious.
GGDo not scratch the surface of the lens (Polarized film)of 3D glasses with a sharp tool or wipe the lens
with chemicals.
- The polarized film can be scratched and the video may not look normal when viewing the 3D image.
GGThe lens of the 3D glasses is different from those of general glasses,and is very thin.Therefore be careful
with the glasses as the lens can be popped out easily.
GGWarning for photosensitization seizure:Specific image from the video game and light or specific pattern
from the video can cause a seizure to some individuals.
If you or anybody from your family has a history of epilepsy or seizure,please consult your doctor
before watching 3D video.
Also the following symptoms can occur in unspecified conditions without any previous history.
- If you experience dizziness,visual transition,visual or facial instability,unconscious action,convulsion,loss
of conscience,confusion,loss of directional sense or nausea during or after watching the 3D video,imme-
diately stop watching the 3D video and consult the doctor.
Especially special care is required for children watching the 3D video.Risk of photosensitization seizure
can be reduced with the following actions.
- Do not watch the 3D video when sleepy,tired or sick,and avoid watching the 3D video for a long peri-
od of time.