To change the day, month, and year.
Key Description
1 3 Yearly
* # Monthly
U D Weekly
L R Daily
In the scheduler mode, press left soft key <
[Options] as follows;
Add new Menu 4.2.1
Allows you to add a new schedule for the chosen
day. Input the subject and then press the left soft
key <[OK].
View daily schedules Menu 4.2.2
You can refer to a detailed schedule, that is the
whole contents of the schedule configured by you.
Delete past Menu 4.2.3
You can delete the past schedule that is no longer
Delete all Menu 4.2.4
You can delete all notes.
Go to date Menu 4.2.5
You can go to the chosen date directly.
Set alarm tone Menu 4.2.6
You can set the alarm tone.
Memo Menu 4.3
1. Select the Memo by pressing the left soft key
2. If the entry is empty, add new by pressing the left
soft key < [Add].
3. Input the memo and then press the left soft key
< [OK].
If you want to change the text input mode, press
the #.