1 Do not use the player in exceptionally cold or hot, dusty, damp or
dry environments.
2 Do not drop, strike, or throw your player. Physical damage to your
player will void ALL warranties.
3 Please charge your battery when
A. Battery power icon shows an empty icon;
B. The system automatically shuts down and the power is soon off
when you switch on the unit once again
4 Please always follow the correct disconnect procedures for your
operating system. Do not disconnect power abruptly when the
player is being formatted or in the process of uploading or
downloading files. Otherwise it may lead to file corruption,
firmware failure, and even hardware damage.
5 We are not liable for any loss of data stored on this device.
6 Please do not dismantle this player. Any disassembly not done by
an authorized technician will void ALL warranties
7 This product and manual are change without subject to notice.