Thank you for choosing a Mackie professional com-
pact mixer. The 1402-VLZ3 is equipped with our pre-
cision-engineered XDRTM Extended Dynamic Range
premium studio-grade mic preamp.
Now that you have your 1402-VLZ3, fi nd out how to get
the most from it. That’s where this manual comes in.
How To Use This Manual
Since many of you folks will want to hook up your
1402-VLZ3 immediately, the fi rst pages you will en-
counter after the table of contents are the ever-popular
hookup diagrams. These show typical mixer setups for
Recording and Stereo PA.
After this section is a detailed tour of the entire mixer.
Every feature of the 1402-VLZ3 is described “geographi-
cally;” in other words, in order of where it is physically
placed on the mixer’s top or rear panel. These descrip-
tions are divided into the fi rst three sections, just as
your mixer is organized into three distinct zones:
Patchbay: The patchbay along the top and back,
where you connect things.
Channel Strip: The eight channel strips on the left
where you adjust each channel.
Output Section: The output section on the right.
Throughout these sections you’ll fi nd illustrations,
with each feature numbered. If you’re curious about a
feature, simply locate it on the appropriate illustration,
notice the number attached to it, and fi nd that number
in the nearby paragraphs.
This icon marks infor mation that is critically
important or unique to the 1402-VLZ3. For your
own good, read them and remember them. They
will be on the fi nal test.
This icon will lead you to in-depth explana-
tions of features and practical tips. While not
mandatory, they usually have some valuable
nuggets of information.
Appendix A is a section on troubleshooting and repair
Appendix B is a section on connectors: XLR connec-
tors, TRS balanced connectors, TS unbalanced connec-
tors, and Insert connectors.
Appendix C shows the technical specifi cations, and
a block diagram showing the internal signal path and
general goings-on within the mixer.
Appendix D was removed after it became bloated and
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• Visit www.mackie.com and click Support to fi nd:
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• Email us at: techmail@mackie.com.
• Telephone 1-800-898-3211 to speak with one of our splendid
technical support representatives, (Monday through Friday,
from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST).