Quattro DC Startup Guide
2. CONTRACT MTR SPD (A1) parameter
programs the motor speed at elevator
contract speed in RPM.
Line voltage setup
Enter / Verify the line voltage parameter:
1. INPUT L-L VOLTS (A5) parameter
programs the line voltage level
Auto tune Procedure
Refer to page 95 on how to implement Auto
tune if desired. Auto tune will automatically
measure the motor’s armature inductance,
armature resistance including cable resistance,
field resistance, and field time constant. Auto
tune will also calculate the armature resistance
voltage drop at motor rated current and the
armature and field regulation gains.
(C1, C2, C3, C4) configuration setup
It will be required to adjust the configuration
menus to operate the Quattro as the elevator
manufacturer has specified to interact with the
car controller. Magnetek does not supply this
Low speed inspection mode
Run the drive in low speed inspection mode
1. Verify encoder polarity, the motor rotation
should match the encoder phasing. The
equivalent of swapping A and /A can be
done with the ENCODER CONNECT (C1)
2. Verify proper hoist way direction. This can
be reversed with the MOTOR ROTATION
(C1) parameter.
If using an external speed regulator, which
produces an analog torque command to
Quattro (SPEED REG TYPE (C1) =
external reg and EXT TORQ CMD SRC
(C1) = analog input), it is imperative that
the encoder polarity matches the armature
voltage. To verify polarity, insert a torque
command into the analog input. Check
VOLTAGE (D2). Verify they are the same
polarity. If not, swap A and /A or change
the ENCODER CONNECT (C1) parameter.
Verify that the Safety Chain / Emergency Stop