Quattro DC Drive S-Curves A2
Parameter Description Units Default Range Hidden
ft/s2 7.99 0.00 – 7.99
RATE 0 Acceleration rate limit m/s2 2.435 0.000 3.999 N Y
ft/s2 7.99 0.00 – 7.99
RATE 0 Deceleration rate limit m/s2 2.435 0.000 3.999 N Y
ft/s3 0.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK IN 0 Rate of increase of acceleration, up to ACCEL
RATE, when increasing elevator speed m/s3 0.000 0.000 9.999 N Y
ft/s3 0.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK OUT 0 Rate of decrease of acceleration to zero when
approaching contract elevator speed m/s3 0.000 0.000 9.999 N Y
ft/s3 0.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK IN 0 Rate of incre ase of deceleration, up to DECEL
RATE, when decreasing elevator speed m/s3 0.000 0.000 9.999 N Y
ft/s3 0.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK OUT 0 Rate of decrease of deceleration to zero when
slowing the elevator to leveling speed m/s3 0.000 0.000 9.999 N Y
ft/s2 7.00 0.00 – 7.99
RATE 1 Acceleration rate limit m/s2 2.134 0.000 3.999 N Y
ft/s2 3.00 0.00 – 7.99
RATE 1 Deceleration rate limit m/s2 0.090 0.000 3.999 N Y
ft/s3 8.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK IN 1 Rate of increase of acceleration, up to ACCEL
RATE, when increasing elevator speed m/s3 2.400 0.000 9.999 N Y
ft/s3 8.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK OUT 1 Rate of decrease of acceleration to zero when
approaching contract elevator speed m/s3 2.400 0.000 9.999 N Y
ft/s3 8.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK IN 1 Rate of incre ase of deceleration, up to DECEL
RATE, when decreasing elevator speed m/s3 2.400 0.000 9.999 N Y
ft/s3 8.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK OUT 1 Rate of decrease of deceleration to zero when
slowing the elevator to leveling speed m/s3 2.400 0.000 9.999 N Y
ft/s2 3.00 0.00 – 7.99
RATE 2 Acceleration rate limit m/s2 0.090 0.000 3.999 N Y
ft/s2 3.00 0.00 – 7.99
RATE 2 Deceleration rate limit m/s2 0.090 0.000 3.999 N Y
ft/s3 8.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK IN 2 Rate of increase of acceleration, up to ACCEL
RATE, when increasing elevator speed m/s3 2.400 0.000 9.999 N Y
ft/s3 8.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK OUT 2 Rate of decrease of acceleration to zero when
approaching contract elevator speed m/s3 2.400 0.000 9.999 N Y
ft/s3 8.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK IN 2 Rate of incre ase of deceleration, up to DECEL
RATE, when decreasing elevator speed m/s3 2.400 0.000 9.999 N Y
ft/s3 8.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK OUT 2 Rate of decrease of deceleration to zero when
slowing the elevator to leveling speed m/s3 2.400 0.000 9.999 N Y
ft/s2 3.00 0.00 – 7.99
RATE 3 Acceleration rate limit m/s2 0.090 0.000 3.999 N Y
ft/s2 3.00 0.00 – 7.99
RATE 3 Deceleration rate limit m/s2 0.090 0.000 3.999 N Y
ft/s3 8.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK IN 3 Rate of increase of acceleration, up to ACCEL
RATE, when increasing elevator speed m/s3 2.400 0.000 9.999 N Y
ft/s3 8.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK OUT 3 Rate of decrease of acceleration to zero when
approaching contract elevator speed m/s3 2.400 0.000 9.999 N Y
ft/s3 8.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK IN 3 Rate of incre ase of deceleration, up to DECEL
RATE, when decreasing elevator speed m/s3 2.400 0.000 9.999 N Y
ft/s3 8.0 0.0 – 29.9
JERK OUT 3 Rate of decrease of deceleration to zero when
slowing the elevator to leveling speed m/s3 2.400 0.000 9.999 N Y
Table 5: S-Curves A2 Submenu