Switch action
•Before inserting the battery cartridge into the tool,
always check to see that the switch trigger actuates
properly and returns to the “OFF” position when
To start the tool, simply pull the switch trigger. Release the
switch trigger to stop.
OPERATION Hold the tool straight when inserting/operating. Use the tool
within the effective vibrations range at equidistant intervals.
The effective air bubble removal range is about ten times
diameter of the vibrating head, or around 250 mm (9-27/32”).
Do not use this tool to move concrete within a form. The
mortar will just move away and the coarse aggregate will
remain, causing segregation.
Effective leveling and removal of air bubbles
Removal of the air bubbles is complete after you have
worked the tool throughout each effective range, the con-
crete stops shrinking, and the mortar has risen evenly to the
surface, giving off a light appearance. Gently remove the
operating tool not to leave holes.
•Vibrating too long in a single place causes concrete
•When the coarse aggregates segregates when placing
concrete, shovel out the coarse aggregate and put it
where there is plenty of mortar. Then use the tool on it.
Don’t leave coarse aggregate in the segregated
1. Switch trigger