80Hz between the Mid-Bass
and Sub outputs. With the
switch out, a full range signal is
sent to both sections. Polarity
switches in both the Mid-Bass
and Sub sections allow quick
correction of any polarity
reversal or allignment
optimization problems. If only
full range and subwoofers are
used in the main system, the
Mid-Bass/AUX section is
available for auxiliary systems
such as front-fill, down-fill or
A Master section includes a
gain control, a master Mute
switch with LED, and a signal
presence/clip LED. The
compact, single rack space
cabinet is made of 16-gauge
steel to provide magnetic
isolation from nearby devices,
EMI immunity and protection
from accidental impact damage.
The LD-2 provides an
alternative to the larger LD-1A
line driver in applications where
coverage is supplied primarily
by the main Left and Right
systems, with or without
subwoofers, and few (if any) fill
or auxiliary subsystems are
used. Typical systems using the
LD-2 could include concert halls
and performing arts centers,
nightclubs, houses of worship,
corporate presentations, and
touring systems for small to
mid-sized venues.
The LD-2 is a compact, one
rack space device designed
specifically for integrating
different types of Meyer Sound
self-powered loudspeakers into
an optimized full-range system.
As a line driver, the LD-2 can
connect to cable runs of up to
1000 feet without introducing
instability or distortion. In
addition, the LD-2 incorporates
a number of switching and filter
options to facilitate quick set-
up and accommodate a variety
of different system
Each channel of the LD-2
includes three output/control
sections, designated Mid-Hi,
Mid-Bass/AUX and Sub. Each
section provides a gain control
(-12 to +6dB) and Mute switch
with LED. In addition, the Mid-
Hi section has an Array EQ filter
to minimize the low-mid rise
caused by horizontal arrays of
three to five MSL-4 speakers;
and Low Cut filter which
performs a crossover function
by either sending a full range
signal to the Mid-Hi output or
rolling off at 160Hz
(12dB/octave). The Mid-
Bass/AUX section also includes
a low cut filter (160Hz,
12dB/octave). A separate Mid-
Bass and Sub Crossover switch
enables the LD-2 to
accommodate either Mid-Bass
or Subwoofers or both Mid-
Bass and Subs, in the same
system. With the switch
engaged, the signal divides at
AArrcchhiitteeccttss aanndd EEnnggiinneeeerrss
The line driver shall be a
two channel device with one
input and three outputs for
each channel (Left and Right).
Each channel shall provide
dedicated control sections and
outputs for Mid-Hi powered
loudspeakers, Mid-Bass
powered loudspeakers or an
auxiliary system, and powered
Subwoofers. The Mid-Hi control
section shall provide gain
control over a -12 to +6dB
range, a Mute switch, a Low cut
filter (160Hz) and an Array EQ
filter (-6dB at 220Hz, 0.6 octave
bandwidth). The Mid-Bass or
Aux section shall provide gain
control over a -12 to +6dB
range, a Mute switch, Low cut
filter (160Hz), and polarity
switch. The Subwoofer section
shall provide gain control over
a -12 to +6dB range, Mute
button, and polarity switch. A
Mid-Bass & Sub Crossover
Switch at 80Hz shall allow use
of either Mid-Bass or Sub for LF
reproduction, or both. Each
channe shall include a master
gain control over a -12 to +6dB
range, a signal presence/clip
LED indicator, master Mute
button, and an LED mute
indicator. All outputs shall be
on XLR-M connectors, and each
shall have an output
impedance of 10Ωand provide
a maximum output voltage of
±22.5Vpk. Inputs shall be
XLR-M connectors with a 10k
impedance. An internal power
supply shall be switchable for
120V or 230V nominal
operation on 50 or 60Hz line
current. The line driver shall
be housed in a 16-gauge steel,
1U rack mount chassis.
The line driver shall be a Meyer
Sound LD-2.
for the art
and science
of sound.
LD-2Line Driver
Integrates different
self-powered speakers
φ φ
Mid-Bass or AUX
LD-2 Front PanelLD-2 Rear Panel
Maintains signal integrity
over long cable paths
Separate Mid-Hi,
Mid-Bass/AUX and
Subwoofer output controls
Optimized filters to
accommodate specific
array configurations