A variation on the popular MILO™ high-
power curvilinear loudspeaker, the MILO
120 high-power expanded coverage curvi-
linear array loudspeaker excels where wide
horizontal and increased vertical coverage
are needed.
The self-powered MILO 120 is a compact,
lightweight four-way system that pro-
vides 120 degrees of horizontal and 20
degrees of vertical coverage. The MILO 120
expanded coverage pattern is optimized for
medium to near field applications, making it
the perfect downfill complement for stan-
dard MILO or M3D line array loudspeaker
systems. MILO 120 can also be used to
form wide coverage arrays or in other fill
applications that can be satisfied by one or
two cabinets.
As part of the M Series, the MILO 120
loudspeaker comes standard with Meyer
Sound’s RMS™ remote monitoring system.
The MILO 120 shares the same dimensions
as the standard MILO cabinet to facilitate
seamless integration with MILO and exist-
ing MILO QuickFly® rigging accessories,
like the MG-3D/M multipurpose grid and
MCF-MILO caster frame. The flexibility of
MILO 120 also allows it to be configured
with other Meyer Sound loudspeakers in
complex systems.
MILO 120 : High-Power Extended Coverage Curvilinear Array LoudspeakerDATASHEET
MILO 120 produces a peak output of 138
dB SPL with exceptionally flat phase and
frequency response. Its wide operating
frequency range (60 Hz to 18 kHz) is com-
plemented by extended high-frequency
headroom and a dedicated very-high fre-
quency section (4.2 kHz to 18 kHz) that
renders delicate transient information with
detailed resolution through its wide cover-
age pattern. The MILO 120 loudspeaker’s
acoustical characteristics are designed to
facilitate seamless integration when used
with other MILO curvilinear elements.
The optional MILO 120-I insert (shown
below) can be fitted to enhance the appear-
ance of arrays which include the MILO 120,
and also provide acoustical benefits that
allow MILO and MILO 120 cabinets in the
same array to be fed with identical signals,
with no additional equalization.
Flown and ground-stacked MILO 120 arrays
and combined arrays with other M Series
(MILO/M3D/M3D-Subs) models are easy to
deploy using QuickFly components. Custom
front and rear AlignaLinks at the cabi-
net corners couple the units for flying or
stacking, and allow from 13 to 19 degrees
of cabinet splay adjustable in two-degree
increments. Because rigging connections
are rigid, the array tilt is easy to adjust
– often eliminating the need for a pullback
strap in flown configurations.
A combined MILO/MILO 120 array with M3D-
Subs affords precise low-frequency direc-
tional control that has won widespread
acclaim for M3D systems. The M3D-Sub
provides a well-controlled coverage pattern
to 30 Hz, assuring that very low-frequency
energy does not spill onto the stage or
cause excessive reverberation. In applica-
tions where directional low-frequency con-
trol is not primary, a MILO/MILO 120 array
can be flown adjacent to or ground stacked
with Meyer Sound 700-HP subwoofers. With
significantly more output than other “high-
power” subwoofers, the Meyer Sound 700-
HP sets a new standard for the power-to-
size equation. Its power and bandwidth
handle high continuous operating levels and
extreme transient information with minimal
distortion in its operating frequency range.
Stadiums, arenas, concert halls and
Touring sound reinforcement
Large-scale events
features & benefits
Extreme coverage angles of 120 degrees
(horizontal) and 20 degrees (vertical)
Exceptional fidelity and peak capability
assure clean, high-impact response
Seamless integration with other M Series
Optional MILO 120-I insert enhances
appearance of arrays and provides
acoustical benefits
QuickFly rigging system simplifies use in
flown or ground-stacked arrays