High power
High clarity and coherence
Long-term reliability
Main PA arrays
Concert reinforcement
Theater sound reinforcement
Live music club systems
High-power announcing
Paging indoors/outdoors
MSL-3AMeyer Sound Laboratories, Inc.
2832 San Pablo Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94702
(510) 486-1166
FAX (510) 486-8356
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vented enclosure, and a single high fre-
quency driver with a 70-degree horn. The
rugged, multiple-ply hardwood cabinet is
fitted with handles and, optionally, aircraft-
style rigging pan fittings.
The MSL-3A requires a high-quality
professional stereo power amplifier capable
of delivering up to 400 watts/channel
continuously into 4 ohms, with a signal
voltage gain of 10 dB (minimum) to 30 dB
Designed to perform in a wide range of
large-scale sound reinforcement applica-
tions, the high-power, arrayable MSL-3A
allows for coherent, controlled coverage
of wide areas in theater, club and concert
sound reinforcement. The efficient loud-
speaker delivers high sound pressure levels
with extremely low distortion, for maxi-
mum intelligibility and fidelity.
The biamplified loudspeaker consists
of two proprietary 12-inch low-frequency
cone drivers in a unique horn-loaded,