radial horn housed in a vented
cabinet. An active crossover,
optimized pole-zero response
correction filters, loud-
speaker element protection
circuitry and dual power
amplifiers are built directly
into the enclosure.
Both UPL-1 drivers are of
a proprietary design and are
individually factory-tested for
maximum linearity. The high-
frequency horn driver is of an
entirely new configuration,
employing a titanium dome
The Meyer Sound UPL-1 is a
self-contained, high-definition
powered loudspeaker that is
suitable for a wide variety of
high-quality sound reinforce-
ment applications. It is
optimized to approximate a
true point-source radiator
within its coverage area, and
features a frequency response
of ±2 dB from 50Hz to 18 kHz.
The UPL-1 comprises a 10-
inch cone low-frequency driver
and 1-inch high-frequency
driver with 90° by 40° modified


and fabric suspension in a
patented, low distortion design
(U.S. patent number
4,152,552). It is coupled to
a modified radial horn that
provides excellent directivity
control with wide horizontal
high-frequency coverage.
The UPL-1’s power am-
plifiers utilize complementary
power MOSFET output stages
in a class AB configuration.
Input sensitivity is switchable
to either +4 dBu or -10 dBV.
High Definition Reinforcement LoudspeakerUPL-1
Two way bi-amplified
Electronically corrected
Patented horn driver
Modified Radial horn


Superiorengineeringfor the artand scienceof sound.