NO Normally open.
On-battery operation The attached load is being supplied by the stored energy in the battery system.
On-line mode Inverter output power is the primary energy source to load.
Off-line mode Inverter output is off, and the load connected at the inverter output receives power
from utility line via a static transfer switch or maintenance bypass relay.
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Agency.
P.F. Power Factor.
PCB Printed circuit board.
Q1 UPS input isolation circuit breaker.
Q3BP Optional maintenance bypass circuit breaker (in single-module UPS system); option-
al maintenance bypass circuit breaker in MBC cabinet (shared systems).
Q4S Control or bypass circuit breaker (in single-module UPS systems); user-supplied
bypass AC input circuit breaker supplying the SSC (in shared systems).
Q5N Optional UPS isolation circuit breaker.
QF1 Battery disconnect circuit breaker.
Rectifier/Charger Converts the AC input voltage from the utility source into DC voltage, supplying the
inverter and regulating the charge of the battery system.
RS232/RS485 Converter Supports RS232 interface on one side, and RS485 on the other. The converter allows
the GCC to communicate with RS485 MGE equipment.
S-M Single-Module.
SSC Static Switch Cabinet (in shared systems).
Static Transfer Switch Asolid state switching mechanism electronically controlled to pass AC power directly
from the utility to an output load.
Sync or synch Synchronization.
Technician Refers to an electronic technician qualified to maintain and repair electronic equip-
ment. Not necessarily qualified to install electrical wiring.
Test/Maintenance Mode Maintenance bypass circuit breaker is closed and system output circuit breaker is
UL Underwriters Laboratories,Inc.
UPS Uninterruptible power system.
VAC or Vac Volts alternating current.
VDC or Vdc Volts direct current.
Glossary page g — 3
User Manual