Monitor display and monitor output signal
4.11.2 DU/PU monitor display selection
(Pr. 52, Pr. 54, Pr. 158, Pr. 170, Pr. 171, Pr. 268, Pr. 563, Pr. 564, Pr. 891)
The monitor to be displayed on the main screen of the operation panel (FR-DU07)/parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-
PU07) can be selected.
Number Name Initial Value Setting Range Description
52 * DU/PU main display data
0, 5, 6, 8 to 14,
17, 20, 23 to 25,
50 to 57, 67,
81 to 86 100
Select the monitor to be displayed on the
operation panel and parameter unit.
Refer to the following table for monitor description.
54 * CA terminal function
selection 1
1 to 3, 5, 6,
8 to 14, 17, 21,
24, 50, 52, 53,
67, 70, 85
Select the monitor output to terminal CA.
158 * AM terminal function
1 to 3, 5, 6,
8 to 14, 17, 21,
24, 50, 52, 53,
67, 70, 86
Select the monitor output to terminal AM.
170 Watt-hour meter clear 9999
0 Set "0" to clear the watt-hour meter monitor.
10 Sets the maximum value for the monitoring from
communication to 9999kWh.
9999 Sets the maximum value for the monitoring from
communication to 65535kWh.
171 Operation hour meter clear 9999 0, 9999 Set "0" to clear the operation time monitor.
Setting "9999" has no effect.
268 * Monitor decimal digits
selection 9999
0 Displayed as integral value.
1 Displayed in 0.1 increments.
9999 No function
563 Energization time
carrying-over times 00 to 65535
(reading only)
Displays the numbers of cumulative energization
time monitor exceeded 65535h. Reading only
564 Operating time carrying-
over times 00 to 65535
(reading only)
Displays the numbers of operation time monitor
exceeded 65535h. Reading only
891 * Cumulative power monitor
digit shifted times 9999
0 to 4
Set the number of times to shift the cumulative
power monitor digit.
Clamps the monitor value at maximum.
No shift
Clears the monitor value when it exceeds the
maximum value.
The above parameters can be set when Pr. 160 User group read selection = "0". (Refer to page 190)
* The above parameters allow its setting to be changed during operation in any operation m ode even if "0" (initial value) is set in
Pr. 77 Parameter write selection.
...Specifications differ according to the date asse mbled. Refer to page 400 to check the SERIAL number.