Frequency setting by analog input (terminal 1, 2, 4)
4.16.4 Bias and gain of frequency setting voltage (current)
(Pr. 125, Pr. 126, Pr. 241, C2(Pr. 902) to C7(Pr. 905))
You can set the magnitude (slope) of the output frequency as desired in relation to the frequency setting signal (0
to 5V, 0 to 10V or 4 to 20mADC).
Set Pr. 73 and Pr. 267 to switch between 0 to 5VDC, 0 to 10VDC and 4 to 20mADC. (Refer to page 171)
Number Name Initial Value Setting
Range Description
125 Terminal 2 frequency setting gain
frequency 60Hz 0 to 400Hz Set the frequency of terminal 2 input gain
126 Terminal 4 frequency setting gain
frequency 60Hz 0 to 400Hz Set the frequency of terminal 4 input gain
241 *1, 3 Analog input display unit
switchover 00 Displayed in % Select the unit of
analog input display.
1 Displayed in V/mA
C2(902) *1, 2 Terminal 2 frequency setting bias
frequency 0Hz 0 to 400H z Set the frequency on the bias side of
terminal 2 input.
C3(902) *1, 2 Terminal 2 frequency setting bias 0% 0 to 300% Set the converted % of the bias side
voltage (current) of terminal 2 input.
C4(903) *1, 2 Terminal 2 frequency setting gain 100% 0 to 300% Set the conv erted % of the gain side
voltage (current) of terminal 2 input.
C5(904) *1, 2 Terminal 4 frequency setting bias
frequency 0Hz 0 to 400H z Set the frequency on the bias side of
terminal 4 input.
C6(904) *1, 2 Terminal 4 frequency setting bias 20% 0 to 300% Set the converted % of the bias side
current (voltage) of terminal 4 input.
C7(905) *1, 2 Terminal 4 frequency setting gain 100% 0 to 300% Set the conv erted % of the gain side
current (voltage) of terminal 4 input.
*1 The parameters can be set when Pr. 160 User group read selection = "0". (Refer to page 190.)
*2 The parameter number in parentheses is the one for use with the parameter unit (FR-PU04/FR-PU07).
*3 The above parameters allow its setting to be changed during operation in any operation mode even if "0" (initial value) is set in Pr. 77 Parameter
write selection.