Communication operation and setting
Error response
An error response is returned if the query message received from the master has an illegal function, address or
data. No response is returned for a parity, CRC, overrun, framing or busy error.
Error response (Response message)
Error code list
*1 An error will not occur in the following cases.
1) Function code H03 (Read Holding Register Data )
When the No. of Points is 1 or more and there is one or more holding registers from which data can be read
2) Function code H10 (Write Multiple Holding Register Data)
When the No. of Points is 1 or more and there is 1 or more holding registers to which data can be written
Namely, when the function code H03 or H10 is used to access multiple holding registers, an error will not occur if a non-existing holding
register or read disabled or write disabled holding register is accessed.
Message data mistake detection
To detect the mistakes of message data from the master, they are checked for the following errors. If an error
is detected, a trip will not occur.
Error check item
No response message is sent in the case of broadcast communication also.
1) Slave Address 2) Function 3) Exception Code CRC Check
(8bit) H80 + Function
(8bit) (8bit) L
Message Setting Description
1)Slave address Set the address received from the master.
2)Function The master-requested function code + H80 is set.
3)Exception code The code in the following table is set.
Code Error Item Error Definition
01 ILLEGAL FUNCTION The set function code in the query message from the master cannot be
handled by the slave.
The set register address in the query message from the master can not be
handled by the inverter.
(No parameter, parameter read disabled, parameter write disabled)
The set data in the query message from the master cannot be handled by
the inverter.
(Out of parameter write range, mode specified, other error)
An error will occur if all accessed holding registers do not exist.
Data read from a non-existing holding register is 0, and data written there is invalid.
Error Item Error Definition Inverter Side Operation
Parity error The data received by the inverter differs from the
specified parity (Pr. 334 setting).
1)Pr. 343 is increased by 1 at error
2)The terminal LF is output at error
Framing error The data received by the inverter differs from the
specified stop bit length (Pr. 334).
Overrun error The following data was sent from the master before
the inverter completes data receiving.
Message frame
The message frame data length is checked, and the
received data length of less than 4 bytes is regarded
as an error.
CRC check error
A mismatch found by CRC check between the
message frame data and calculation result is
regarded as an error.