PID control
(4) I/O signals and parameter setting
Turn ON the X14 signal to perform PID control. When this signal is OFF, PID action is not performed and normal
inverter operation is performed. (However, turning X14 ON is not necessary when Pr.128 = "50, 51, 60, 61, 110,
111, 120, 121".)
Enter the set point across inverter terminals 2-5 or into Pr. 133 and enter the measured value signal across inverter
terminals 4 and 5. At this time, set any of "20, 21, 120, 121" in Pr. 128.
When entering the externally calculated deviation signal, enter it across terminals 1 and 5. At this time, set any of
"10, 11, 110, 111" in Pr. 128.
Input signals
Signal Termi nal
Used Function Description Parameter Setting
Depending on
Pr. 178 to Pr.
PID control
selection Turn ON X14 to perform PID control. Set 14 in any of Pr. 178 to Pr. 189.
PID forward/
reverse action
By turning ON X64, forward action can be
selected for PID reverse action (
Pr. 128
10, 20, 110, 120), and reverse action for
forward action (
Pr. 128
= 11, 21, 111, 121).
Set 64 in any of Pr. 178 to Pr. 189.
X72 PID integral value
ON: Integral and differential values are
OFF: Normal processing
Set 72 in any of Pr. 178 to Pr. 189.
X77 Pre-charge end
Turn ON X77 to end the pre-charge
operation and start PID control. Set 77 in any of Pr. 178 to Pr. 189.
Second pre-
charge end
Turn ON X78 while RT is ON to end the
pre-charge operation and start PID
Set 78 in any of Pr. 178 to Pr. 189.
22Set point input
Enter the set point for PID control. Pr. 128 = 20, 21, 120, 121
Pr. 133 =9999
0 to 5V................0 to 100% Pr. 73 = 1 *1, 3, 5, 11, 13, 15
0 to 10V..............0 to 100% Pr. 73 = 0, 2, 4, 10, 12, 14
0 to 20mA...........0 to 100% Pr. 73 = 6, 7, 16, 17
PU Set point input Set the set value (Pr. 133) from the
operation panel or parameter unit.
Pr. 128 = 20, 21, 120, 121
Pr. 133 = 0 to 100%
Deviation signal
Input the deviation signal calculated
externally. Pr. 128 = 10 *1, 11, 110, 111
-5V to +5V..........-100% to +100% Pr. 73 = 2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 15, 17
-10V to +10V......-100% to +100% Pr. 73 = 0, 1 *1, 4, 6, 10, 11, 14,
Measured value
Input the signal from the detector
(measured value signal). Pr. 128 = 20, 21, 120, 121
4 to 20mA...........0 to 100% Pr. 267 = 0 *1
0 to 5V................0 to 100% Pr. 267 = 1
0 to 10V..............0 to 100% Pr. 267 = 2
Deviation value
Input the deviation value from L
, or BACnet
Pr. 128 = 50, 51
Set value,
measured value
Input the set value and measured value
from LONWORKS , CC-Link, or BACnet
Pr. 128 = 60, 61
Deviation value
Input the deviation value from PLC
function. Pr. 128 = 70, 71, 90, 91
Set value, measured
value input
Input the set value and measured value
from PLC function. Pr. 128 = 80, 81, 100, 101
*1 The shaded area indicates the parameter initial value.
*2 When Pr. 128 = "50, 51, 60, 61" and the operation mode is not NET, input method is same as when Pr. 128 = "10, 11, 20, 21" respectively.
Input from BACnet communication is available when the operation mode is NET, Pr. 549 = "2" (BACnet), and RS-485 terminal has the
command source. Input from LonWorks or CC-Link communication is available when BACnet communication is inactive and the operation
mode is NET.
For the setting method via LONWORKS communication, refer to the LONWORKS communication option (FR-A7NL) instruction manual.
For the setting method via CC-Link communication, refer to the CC-Link communication option (FR-A7NC) instruction manual.
For the setting method via BACnet communication, refer to page 247.