Causes and corrective actions
Operation Panel
Indication E.SER FR-PU04 Fault 14
FR-PU07(-01) VFD Comm error
Name Communication fault (inverter)
This function stops the inverter output when communication error occurs consecutively fo r more than
permissible retry count when a value other than "9999" is set in Pr. 335 RS-485 communication retry count
during RS-485 communication from the RS-485 terminals. This function also stops the inverter output if
communication is broken for the period of time set in Pr. 336 RS-485 communication check time interval.
Check point Check the RS-485 terminal wiring.
Corrective action Perform wiring of the RS-485 terminals properly.
Operation Panel
Indication E.AIE FR-PU04 Fault 14
FR-PU07(-01) Analog in error
Name Analog input fault
Stops the inverter output when 30mA or higher current is input to terminal 2 or 4 while current input is
selected with Pr. 73 Analog input selection or Pr. 267 Terminal 4 input selection. The function also stops the
inverter output when voltage (7.5V or higher) is input.
Check point Check the setting of Pr. 73 Analog input selection and Pr. 267 Terminal 4 input selection. (Refer to page 171.)
Corrective action Either give a frequency command by current input or set Pr. 73 Analog input selection or Pr. 267 Terminal
4 input selection to voltage input.
Operation Panel
Indication E.PID
FR-PU04 Fault 14
FR-PU07 Fault
FR-PU07-01 PID Signal Error
Name PID signal fault
If any of PID upper limit (FUP), PID lower limit (FDN), and PID deviation limit (Y48) turns ON during PID
control, inverter shuts off the output. This function is active under the following parameter settings: Pr.554 PID
signal operation selection "0,10", Pr.131 PID upper limit "9999", Pr.132 PID lower limit "9999", and Pr.553 PID
deviation limit "9999". This protective function is not active in the initial setting (Pr.554 = "0", Pr.131 = "9999",
Pr.132 = "9999", Pr.553 = "9999").
Check Point Check if the measured PID value is greater than the upper limit (Pr.131) or smaller than the lower limit (Pr.132).
Check if the absolute PID deviation value is greater than the limit value (Pr.553).
Corrective Action Make correct settings for Pr.131 PID upper limit, Pr.132 PID lower limit, Pr.553 PID deviation limit. (Refer to page
Operation Panel
Indication E.13 FR-PU04
FR-PU07(-01) Fault 13
Name Internal circuit fault
Description Trips when an internal circuit error occurred.
Corrective action Please contact your sales representative.
Operation Panel
Indication E.PCH
FR-PU04 Fault 14
FR-PU07 Fault
FR-PU07-01 Precharge Error
Name Pre-charge fault
When the pre-charged time exceeds the Pr.764 (Pr.769) Pre-charge time limit, or the pre-charged amount
exceeds Pr. 763 (Pr. 768) Pre-charge upper detection level, the protective circuit activates, and the inverter
output is shutoff. This function is available when Pr.764 (Pr.769) Pre-charge time limit or Pr. 763 (Pr. 768)
Pre-charge upper detection level is set. This protective function is not available in the initial status. (Refer
to page 261)
Check point
· Check if the Pr.764 (Pr.769) Pre-charge time limit setting is too low.
· Check if the Pr. 763 (Pr. 768) Pre-charge upper detection level setting is too low.
· Check if the automatic switchover frequency set in Pr.127 (Pr.754) is too low.
· Check if there is a break in the connection with a pump.
Corrective action
· Set the Pr.764 (Pr.769) Pre-charge time limit setting higher.
· Set the Pr. 763 (Pr. 768) Pre-charge upper detection level setting higher.
· Set the automatic switchover frequency higher in Pr.127 (Pr.754).
· Check the connection with a pump.