Series Programmable Controllers
Programming Manual - Basic & Applied Instruction Edition
C Applied Instruction List [by Instruction Type/in Alphabetic Order]
C-1 Applied instructions [by instruction type]
Instruction List
CCD FNC 84 Check Code 464
CRC FNC188 Cyclic Redundancy Check 591
LIMIT FNC256 Limit Control 661
BAND FNC257 Dead Band Control 664
ZONE FNC258 Zone Control 667
SCL FNC259 Scaling
(Coordinate by Point Data) 670
SCL2 FNC269 Scaling 2
(Coordinate by X/Y Data) 680
SORT FNC 69 Sort Tabulated Data 415
SORT2 FNC149 Sort Tabulated Data 2 541
SER FNC 61 Search a Data Stack 396
FDEL FNC210 Deleting Data from Tables 641
FINS FNC211 Inserting Data to Tables 643
10.Character string operation instructions
Mnemonic FNC No. Function Ref.
ESTR FNC116 Floating Point to Character
String Conversion 489
EVAL FNC117 Character String to
Floating Point Conversion 495
STR FNC200 BIN to Character String
Conversion 612
VAL FNC201 Character String to BIN
Conversion 617
DABIN FNC260 Decimal ASCII to
BIN Conversion 674
Conversion 677
ASCI FNC 82 Hexadecimal to ASCII
Conversion 458
HEX FNC 83 ASCII to Hexadecimal
Conversion 461
$MOV FNC209 Character String Transfer 638
$+ FNC202 Link Character Strings 622
LEN FNC203 Character String Length
Detection 624
RIGHT FNC204 Extracting Character String
Data From the Right 626
LEFT FNC205 Extracting Character String
Data from the Left 628
MIDR FNC206 Random Selection of
Character Strings 630
MIDW FNC207 Random Replacement of
Character Strings 633
INSTR FNC208 Character string search 636
COMRD FNC182 Read Device Comment
Data 586
11.Program flow control instructions
Mnemonic FNC No. Function Ref.
CJ FNC 00 Conditional Jump 217
CALL FNC 01 Call Subroutine 224
SRET FNC 02 Subroutine Return 228
IRET FNC 03 Interrupt Return 229
EI FNC 04 Enable Interrupt 231
9. Data operation instructions
Mnemonic FNC No. Function Ref.
DI FNC 05 Disable Interrupt 232
FEND FNC 06 Main Routine Program End 233
FOR FNC 08 Start a FOR/NEXT Loop 237
NEXT FNC 09 End a FOR/NEXT Loop 238
12.I/O refresh instructions
Mnemonic FNC No. Function Ref.
REF FNC 50 Refresh 336
REFF FNC 51 Refresh and Filter Adjust 340
13.Real time clock control instructions
Mnemonic FNC No. Function Ref.
TCMP FNC160 RTC Data Compare 561
TZCP FNC161 RTC Data Zone Compare 563
TADD FNC162 RTC Data Addition 565
TSUB FNC163 RTC Data Subtraction 567
TRD FNC166 Read RTC data 573
TWR FNC167 Set RTC data 574
HTOS FNC164 Hour to Second
Conversion 569
STOH FNC165 Second to Hour
Conversion 571
14.Pulse output/positioning control
Mnemonic FNC No. Function Ref.
ABS FNC155 Absolute Current Value
Read 551
DSZR FNC150 DOG Search Zero Return 546
ZRN FNC156 Zero Return 552
TBL FNC152 Batch Data Positioning
Mode 550
DVIT FNC151 Interrupt Positioning 548
DRVI FNC158 Drive to Increment 556
DRVA FNC159 Drive to Absolute 558
PLSV FNC157 Variable Speed Pulse
Output 554
PLSY FNC 57 Pulse Y Output 372
PLSR FNC 59 Acceleration/Deceleration
Setup 380
15.Serial communication instructions
Mnemonic FNC No. Function Ref.
RS FNC 80 Serial Communication 454
RS2 FNC 87 Serial Communication 2 471
IVCK FNC270 Inverter Status Check 685
IVDR FNC271 Inverter Drive 687
IVRD FNC272 Inverter Parameter Read 689
IVWR FNC273 Inverter Parameter Write 691
IVBWR FNC274 Inverter Parameter
Block Write 693
11.Program flow control instructions
Mnemonic FNC No. Function Ref.