PLC User's Manual - Positioning Control Edition
Built-in Positioning Functions
2 Specifications
2.5 Output Specifications
B - 27
Common Items
2.5.3 FX3G Series main unit (Transistor Output)
This section describes the transistor output specifications of the FX3G Series main unit. Note that the
simultaneous turning-on rate is restricted for the output extension units and the main unit. For details on this
restriction, refer to the following manual:
Refer to the FX3G Hardware Edition.
Pulse output terminals Y000, Y001, and Y002*1 are high-speed response output terminals.
To use the positioning instruction, adjust the load current of the NPN open collector to 10 to 100 mA (5 t o 24V DC).
*1. Y002 works as a high-speed response pulse output terminal only in 40-point and 60-point type main
Item Transistor output specifications
External voltage All outputs 5 to 30V DC
Resistance load All outputs
The total load current of resistance loads per common
terminal should be the following value or less.
- 1 point output common:0.5A
- 4 points output common:0.8A
Inductive load All outputs
The total of inductive loads per common terminal
should be the following value or less.
- 1 point output common:12W/24V DC
- 4 points output common:19.2W/24V DC
Open-circuit leakage current All outputs 0.1 mA or less at 30V DC
ON voltage All outputs 1.5V or less
14-point, 24-point
OFFON Y000, Y001 5 µs or less at 10 mA or more (5 to 24V DC)
Y002 or more 0.2 ms or less at 200 mA or more (at 24V DC)
ONOFF Y000, Y001 5 µs or less at 10 mA or more (5 to 24V DC)
Y002 or more 0.2 ms or less at 200 mA or more (at 24V DC)
40-point, 60-point
OFFON Y000 to Y002 5 µs or less at 10 mA or more (5 to 24V DC)
Y003 or more 0.2 ms or less at 200 mA or more (at 24V DC)
ONOFF Y000 to Y002 5 µs or less at 10 mA or more (5 to 24V DC)
Y003 or more 0.2 ms or less at 200 mA or more (at 24V DC)
Circuit insulation All outputs Photocoupler insulation
Indication of output motion - LED is lit when the photocoupler is driven.
Item Description
Operation voltage range 5 to 24V DC
Operation current range 10mA to 100mA
Output frequency 100 kHz or less