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1.1 Introduction
The MR-J2S-CP AC servo amplifier with built-in positioning functions is the MR-J2S-A general-p urpose
AC servo amplifier which incorporate single-axis positioning functions. These functions perform
positioning operation by merely se tting the position data (target positions), servo motor speeds,
acceleration and deceleration time constants, et c. to point tables as if setting them in parameters. The
servo amplifier is the most appropriate to configure a program-free, simple positioning system or to
simplify a system, for example.
There are 3 points of point tables as stand ard, and they can be increased up to 31 points by using the MR
Configurator (servo configuration software).
You can choose a configuration suitable for your purpose, e.g. simple positioning system using external
I/O signals (DI/O), operation using DI/O and RS-422 serial communication, or multi drop operation using
RS-422 serial communication.
All servo motors are equipped with an absolute position encoder as standard. An absolute po sition
detection system can be configured by me rely adding a battery to the servo amplifier. Once the home
position has been set, home posi tion return is not required at power on, alarm occurrence, etc.
The MR-J2S-CP AC servo amplifier with positioning function is made easier to use and higher in function
by using it with the MR Configurator (servo configuration software).
1.1.1 Function block diagram
The function block diagram of this servo is shown below.