Copyright & Trademarks
Motorola Mobility, Inc.
Consumer Advocacy Office
600 N US Hwy 45
Libertyville, IL 60048
Do not ship your product to the above address. If you need to r eturn your
product for repairs, replacement, or warranty service , please contact the Motorola
Customer Support Center at:
1-800-734-5870 (United States - Android products)
1-800-331-6456 (United States - all other products)
1-888-390-6456 (TTY/TDD United States for hearing impaired - all product s)
1-800-461-4575 (Canada - all products)
Certain features, services and applications are network depende nt and may not be
available in all areas; additional terms, condit ions and/or charges may apply.
Contact your service provider for details.
All features, functionality, and other product specifications , as well as the
information contained in this guide, are based upon the latest avai lable information
and believed to be accurate at the time of printing. Motorola r eserves the right to
change or modify any information or specifications without noti ce or obligation.
MOTOROLA, the Stylized M Logo, MOTOBLUR and the MOTOBLUR logo are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC. The
Bluetooth trademarks are owned by their proprietor and used by Motorola Mobility,
Inc. under license. is a Certification Mark of the Wi reless Fidelity Alliance, Inc.
Java and all other Java-based marks are trademarks or register ed trademarks of
Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Google, the Google logo,
Google Maps, Gmail, Google Latitude, YouTube, Picasa, Android and Android Market
are trademarks of Google, Inc. Facebook is a register ed trademark of Facebook, Inc.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Me, and Windows Vista are registered trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries . Apple,
Macintosh, Quicktime and Quicktime logo are registered trademarks of Apple
Computer, Inc. iTunes is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S.
and other countries. All rights reserved. America Online, AOL, the America Online &
Design logo, the AOL & Design logo, and the Triangle Logo, are registered
trademarks of America Online, Inc. in the United States and/or other co untries.
InstantMessen ger and Buddy List are trademarks of America Online, Inc. Al l other
product or service names are the property of their respectiv e owners.
© 2010 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All rights reserved.
Changes or modifications made in the radio phone, not expressly approved
by Motorola, will void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Manual Number: 68000202880-C