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Motorola BitSURFR™ Pro ISDN Terminal AdapterConfiguration InstructionsC1918M (10/97)The Motorola BitSURFR™ Pro ISDN Terminal Adapter may be configured auto-
matically by PelcoVision™ system software or manually using Motorola’s ISDN
Surfr setup software. However, the BitSURFR™ Pro must be programmed in order
to achieve the maximum operating speed available to the PelcoVision™ system. In
either case, rear panel Transmitter and Receiver DIP switch must be set. Refer to
the PelcoVision™ Installation/Operation Manual (C1916M) for detailed information
about rear panel DIP switch settings.
Follow Motorola’s instructions for installing the ISDN Surfr setup software and for
setting up the BitSURFR™ Pro to your ISDN line.
The Motorola BitSURFR™ Pro ISDN Terminal Adapter may be configured auto-
matically by setting rear panel DIP switches for Motorola BitSURFR™ Pro on
PelcoVision™ Receivers and Transmitters, see Table A.
After setting up the BitSURFR™ Pro to your ISDN line, connect the PelcoVision™
unit to the BitSURFR™ Pro and apply power.
Automatic configuration will cause the BitSURFR™ Pro to operate at the PPP Rate
Adaptation Protocol, unbonded, and will only allow a maximum Line Channel Speed
of 64kbps.
Using the setting described above will allow use of the second B channel as a
regular phone line, consult your phone service provider for details. In some cases,
this second line may be useful in sending real time, high quality, two way audio
from the site being monitored.
As far as system operation is concerned, there are two drawbacks to allowing a
PelcoVision Receiver or Transmitter to automatically configure the BitSURFR™
Pro. First, European Community ISDN is different from the American standard of 2
B channels plus 1 D channel at 64kbps. EC uses a 56kbps Line Channel Speed,
limited to 1 B plus D. Second, using an unbonded protocol may decrease the frame
update rate of the PelcoVision™ system.
To configure the PelcoVision™ system using pre-programmed BitSURFR™ Pro
ISDN Terminal Adapters, set the PelcoVision™ Transmitter and Receiver to Pre-
initialized. See Table A. Switches 1 and 2 are baud rate settings.
After setting up the BitSURFR™ Pro to your ISDN line, do the following:
1. In the ISDN Surfr setup software, select Terminal then enter one of the follow-
ing AT command strings that corresponds to your ISDN standard.
European Community
(1 B plus D, Unbonded, 56kbps per channel)
Pelco US
(2 B plus D, Bonded, 64kbps per channel)
2. After entering one of these two strings, press <Enter>. You should see the TA
respond with ‘OK’.
3. Unplug the serial cable from the BitSURFR™ Pro. It is very important that the
cable be removed before exiting the Terminal program.
The BitSURFR™ Pro is ready for connection to Transmitter or Receiver.
Configuring the
Motorola BitSURFR™ Pro for
PelcoVision™ requires an IBM
compatible PC running Windows
95, a free communications port,
and a serial RS-232 cable to con-
nect to the BitSURFR™ Pro.
Table A. Receiver/Transmitter
DIP Switch block SW1.
Motorola BitSURFR™ Pro
Switch Setting
Switch Setting
All settings described in
this document should be identical
for Transmitter and Receiver, and
each BitSURFR™ Pro ISDN Ter-
minal Adapter.