What will your workforce do with the Motorola MC9190-G?

Browse through the applications available for this robust and rugged mobile
computer to see the world of possibilities — and put the MC9190-G to
work in your operations today.
Put your Motorola MC9190-G mobile computers to work right away
with our library of ready-to-use and easily customizable applications.
Designed for different industries and different business processes,
these proven and tested applications from our trusted partners will
let you start reaping the benefits of mobility, almost overnight.
Help your workers improve productivity and accuracy in the most
extreme environments. With our applications, your workers will say:
i CAn MAke sure store shelves Are well-stoCked.
i CAn instAntly Answer CustoMer questions.
i CAn tAke inventory fAster And More ACCurAtely
thAn ever before.
i CAn MAke sure equipMent MAintenAnCe is
perforMed riGht...And on tiMe
i CAn MAke sure the riGht bAGGAGe is on every fliGht
i CAn MAke sure our produCts Are MAnufACtured
properly...every tiMe
i CAn MAke sure orders Are AlwAys fulfilled
with the riGht iteMs
i CAn MAke sure key Assets And equipMent
Are AvAilAble when needed
i CAn help prevent loss And theft of our
returnAble ContAiners
This guide contains applications that are available as of 02/02/11.
For the most current list of certified applications, please visit: www.motorola.com/mc9190g
MC9190-G AppliCAtion Guide