NPort IA5150/5250 Series User’s Manual Web Console Configuration
Disabled Mode
When Operation mode is set to Disabled, that particular port will be disabled. Check the “Apply
the above settings to all serial ports” to apply this setting to the other port.
Accessible IP Settings
NPort IA5150/5250 uses an IP address based filtering method to control access to itself.
Accessible IP Settings allows you to add or block remote host IP addresses to prevent
unauthorized access. Access to NPort IA5150/5250 is controlled by IP address. That is, if a host’s
IP address is in the accessible IP table, then the host will be allowed to access the NPort
IA5150/5250. You can allow one of the following cases by setting the parameter.
y Only one host with a specific IP address can access the NPort IA5150/5250
Enter “IP address/” (e.g., “”).
y Hosts on a specific subnet can access the NPort IA5150/5250
Enter “IP address/” (e.g., “”).
y Any host can access the NPort IA5150/5250
Disable this function by un-checking the “Enable the accessible IP list” checkbox. Refer to the
following table for more configuration examples.