NPort 5400 Series User’s Manual Web Console Configuration


Destination IP address 1
Setting Factory Default Necessity
Begin: Empty
End: Empty
IP address range
E.g., Begin:
End: Port: 4001
Destination IP address 2/3/4
Setting Factory Default Necessity
Begin: Empty
End: Empty
IP address range
E.g., Begin:
End: Port: 4001
Local listen port
Setting Factory Default Necessity
1 to 65535 4001 Required
The UDP port that NPort listens to, and that other devices must use to contact NPort. To avoid conflicts
with well known UDP ports, the default is set to 4001.
Pair Connection Mode
Pair Connection Mode employs two NPort 5400 device servers in tandem, and can be used to
remove the 15-meter distance limitation imposed by the RS-232 interface. One NPort 5400 is
connected from its RS-232 port to the COM port of a PC or other type of computer, such as
hand-held PDAs that have a serial port, and the serial device is connected to the RS-232 port of the
other NPort 5400. The two NPort 5400 device servers are then connected to each other with a
cross-over Ethernet cable, both are connected to the same LAN, or in a more advanced setup, they
communicate with each other over a WAN (i.e., through one or more routers). Pair Connection
Mode transparently transfers both data and modem control signals (although it cannot transmit the
DCD signal) between the two NPorts.

Pair Connection Master Mode

When using Pair Connection Mode, you must select Pair Connection Master Mode for the
Operation mode of one of the NPort 5400 device servers. In effect, this NPort 5400 will be acting
as a TCP client.