The perfect solution for migration of coax or twinax

AFP/IPDS printers into an Ethernet network

Print Server

LAN Brick™

!Preserves Existing Investments
!Supports Coax or Twinax Printers
!True Migration
!No Changes Nescessary
!Supports TCP/IP

The MPI Tech LAN Brick Eth 10 is the only and obvious choice when existing coax- and twinax attached AFP/IPDS printers should be moved into an Ethernet LAN environment.

The solution preserves existing investments into AFP/IPDS printing equipment as well as it removes the need for double cabling systems.

The MPI Tech LAN Brick is designed for Ethernet networks and supports 10Base-2 (coax BNC connector) and 10Base-T (RJ45 connector) networks.

The LAN Brick operates with IBM PSF/MVS, IBM PSF/400, IBM PSF/2 and PSF for AIX Version 2.1 to provide LAN connectivity for IBM compatible midrange IPDS printers.

Printing and Conversion Solutions