
Download any data that you want to save prior to upgrading the firmware. All stored data will be lost during the update process.


Do not interrupt the update process. If the process is interrupted the firmware file may become corrupted. The meter will be inoperative and will have to be returned to Narda for repair.

To update the meter’s firmware …

1.Turn your meter on. Observe the firmware version number, which is displayed briefly about three seconds after you turn the meter on. The meter can be updated if the firmware version is 3.0 or higher. Stop if the firmware version is lower than 3.0 – these meters cannot be updated in the field.

2.Establish communications between the meter and your computer as described in Establishing Communications... It is very important that you make good connections at both ends of the cable used to connect the meter to your computer.

3.Since stored data will be overwritten during the update process, download any survey data that you want to save by following the directions described under

Downloading Logged Data from the Meter.

4.Select Update Meter Firmware from the Update Meter Firmware menu.

5.Read the directions and click OK to continue or click Cancel to abort the update process.

6.Enter the password obtained from Narda and click OK.

7.Read the description of the three meter models. Click Yes to update a Model 8718B meter. Click No if your meter is a previously updated Model 8718 unit that currently has firmware version 3.0 or higher. Click Cancel if the meter is a Model 8718 that has a firmware version lower than 3.0. These meters cannot be updated in the field.

8.The update process begins when you click either Yes or No as described above. Do not interrupt the update process.

9.You should get a message box that the firmware has been updated in about three minutes (at the recommended 9600 baud rate). Click OK.

10.You can now use your updated meter.


Operating the Meter